
Submission of Schemes/Proposals for release of Fund, 2015-16

Higher Education, 👁️ 224

Proposals must be submitted to Higher Education Department (C.G Branch) with the endorsement of the Director of Public Instructions, Govt. of West Bengal not later than 30.6.2015.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
C.G. Branch, Bikash Bhavan, 6th Floor
Salt Lake, Kolkata-91.

No. 23-Edn/EH/CG/4C-27/2015 Date: 07.04.2015


Subject:- Submission of schemes/ Proposals for release of fund during 2015-16

For expeditious release/ utilization of Budget Grants for financial assistance to Govt. Colleges/ institution, the state Govt. in the Higher education Department has decided to prescribe the following guidelines for submission of proposals for financial assistance relating to construction/ maintenance of building and other infrastructures, purchase furniture /computers, development grant etc under Plan budget provisions.

1. Proposals must be submitted to this Department (C.G Branch) with the endorsement of the Director of Public Instructions, Govt. of West Bengal not later than 30.6.2015.

2. Utilization certificate, in original, in prescribed format (Rule S.R. 330 A of WBTR- vol I) during the FY 2014-15, must be submitted along with the proposal.

3. Estimate & Plan in original must be vetted by the competent authority (Assistant Engineer – up to 3.00 Lakhs, Executive/ District Engineer – up to 45.00 Lakhs, Superintending Engineer – up to 2.00 Crores, Chief Engineer – more than 2.00 Crores) as prescribed under Finance Department (Audit) G.O. NO. 5458-F(Y) dt. 27.06.2012. No rough estimate & plan shall be entertained other than original-copy.

4. A report in the enclosed format for all the ongoing schemes, for which administrative approval have been accorded and funds released must also be submitted within 30.06.2015.

This order issues with the approval of the Principal Secretary of this Department.

Sd/- Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 23-Edn dated 07.04.2015

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