School Education, Mid Day Meal đī¸ 623
As per Supreme Court’s direction it is mandatory for all eligible school, the teachers and the Government officials attached to School Education Department to implement and supervise the Cooked Mid-Day Meal Scheme.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhawan, Bidhannagar Kolkata-700 091
Tel. No. 033-2334-2228, Fax No. 033-2337-6561
No. 958(40)-SE(Plng)/O/MDM-31/2010 Dated, Kolkata, the 20th December, 2010
From: Shri Vikram Sen, IAS,
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.
To: District Inspector of Schools (PE/ SE), District (All)
Sub: Supervision of Cooked Mid Day Meal Programme (CMDMP)
You all know that School Education Department is the Nodal Department for implementation of Cooked Mid Day Meal Programme (CMDMP) in our State. You are also aware that various circulars describing the modalities of successful implementation of the Mid Day Meal Programme have been issued from this end. This Programme has been in operation in our State since January 2003 and since then seven years have lapsed. But it is unfortunate that the involvement of our departmental officers like DIs, SIs etc. are not at all satisfactory.
Perhaps you also know that the Cooked Mid-Day Meal Programme has been taken up throughout India under the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. And as per Supreme Court’s direction it is mandatory for all eligible school, the teachers and the Government officials attached to School Education Department to implement and supervise the Cooked Mid-Day Meal Scheme in their respective jurisdiction. In case any teacher or school authority fails to provide Mid-Day Meal in their School without any logical reason they shall be liable for Departmental action and stoppage of grant-in-aid.
All school authorities and teachers are to be communicated the importance of the CMDMP Scheme and are also to be requested to implement the Scheme in their School without further delay.
Supervision of running of Mid Day Meal Scheme at the school level is a compulsory item of regular inspection of Schools by D.I. of Schools, A.I. of Schools and S.I. of Schools at all levels and it is to be ensured by all concerned. For this purpose all D.I. of Schools (Primary & Secondary) will send a monthly report directly to the undersigned in the following proforma:-
Report in the above format should be sent by fax/ special messenger so as to reach the undersigned by 10th of every month for the preceding month without fail with copy to Director of School Education.
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal