
Target of “Kanyashree Prokolpo” for the year 2013-14

School Education, 👁️ 183

Kanyashree is a revolutionary project with the potential for checking child marriages; encouraging girls education and enhancing nutrition of adolescent girls.


Memo No. 14(600)/ICD(N) Date: 07.01.2014

I hope you would appreciate that the “Kanyashree” is a revolutionary project with the potential for checking child marriages; encouraging girls education and enhancing nutrition of adolescent girls thus leading to a quantum change in girls over all development and empowerment.

You may also be aware that the target of “Kanyashree Prokolpo” for the year 2013-14 has been fixed by the State. It is 141000 under the scheme of annual scholarship and 21000 under one time grant. Although uploading status under annual scholarship is satisfactory yet we have a long way to go. In case of annual scholarship our performance is dismal.

In my opinion the target of the district should be made achievable by 31st January, 2014 and is not an insurmountable task. Efforts should be on so that K1 forms are uploaded from your institution by hiring vendors if necessary. Regarding K2, beside the institutions, uploading may be made if necessary from BDO/SDO/District Office.

You being a leader of the education movement in our district, have a great role to play in ensuring that all eligible girls are brought under the purview of this great scheme “Kanyashree”. Accordingly, you are requested to take all possible measures, like enlisting of eligible girl students of your institution; holding regular weekly monitoring meetings; providing adequate publicity to popularize the scheme and reach out to all eligible girls; special camps for enrolment under Kanyashree etc. and thus to ensure that no eligible girl student of your institution is left out of the scheme, by 31st January, 2014.

You are also requested to furnish a report on 03-02-2014 to the effect that all the eligible beneficiary details under the scheme “Kanyashree” are uploaded and none is left out.

With warm Greetings for a fulfilling year ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Sd/- P.B. Salim
District Magistrate & Collector, Nadia

No. 14/ICD dated 07.01.2014

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