
Taxi: Actual Fare Meter with Thermal Printer Facility


Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhavan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 1.

No. 3561-WT/8S-56/2010 Dated: 24.09.2013


Whereas, the fare rates to be charged by the metered taxis were last revised vide No. 3841-WT/3M-47/2008 dated 31/10/2012, and,

Whereas, the metered taxis are required to be fitted with fare meters as per provisions of rule 262 of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, and,

Whereas, fare meters should display the exact fare as per the rates fixed in the aforesaid notification, and,

Whereas, the computerised fare meters should be fitted with thermal printers and the fare recorded so should be printed and the fare receipt should be handed over to the passenger, and,

Whereas, the Honourable High Court of Calcutta had issued direction on 02/09/2011 in W. P. no. 1520 of 2010 and G. A. no. 126 of 2011 to the effect that, all metered taxis should be fitted with computerised meter with thermal printer facility, and,

Whereas, the taxi meters are required to be calibrated in order to show the current and actual fare, and,

Whereas, numerous public complaints on the issue of taxi meters have been received by the Transport Department, and,

Whereas, Director, PVD, Kolkata has also sought for recalibration of taxi meters consequent upon revision of fares and waiting charges,

Now, therefore, the Governor has been pleased to direct that all such metered taxis plying in the KMA shall undertake the process of calibration so that the actual fare is computed, displayed and printed receipts are handed over to the passenger positively. The concerned Registering Authorities/ Regional Transport Authorities are hereby directed to take necessary steps to start the process of calibration of taxi meters, testing and certification of the same thereof, immediately, in respect of all metered taxis registered at their offices.

This process shall be completed within three months from the date of issue of this notification. No Certificate of Fitness to any metered taxi shall be issued without such calibration.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

3561-WT dated 24.09.2013

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