Governor is hereby pleased to empower the following officers of Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata to act as Taxing Officers, for the region of Kolkata as described in terms of Rule 2(b) of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, in addition to the existing ones.
Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhaban
12, R. N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata â 700 001
No. 3091-WT/3M-119/89-Pt. Dated: 16.08.2013
Whereas, the State Government may by notification in the Official Gazette appoint Taxing Officer in terms of section 2(g) of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax Act, 1979, to exercise within such areas as may be specified in the notification, the powers conferred and to perform the duties imposed by or under the aforesaid Act;
And Whereas section 9 of the aforesaid Act provides for the scope for prescribing the manner, time and fees for appeal and the Appellate Authority;
And Whereas the SDOs, RTOs, ARTOs in the districts/ sub-divisions are empowered to act as Taxing Officer for their respective jurisdictions, while the concerned District Magistrates have been entrusted to act as the Appellate Authority;
And Whereas the Asst Director (Tax)/ Public Vehicles Officer are acting as Taxing Officer at Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata for the region of Kolkata and Director, Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata is the Appellate Authority,
And Whereas the number of vehicles registered and amount of taxes collected are very high at Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata, and, also as two new Public Vehicles Department units/ offices at Kasba and Salt Lake have been opened,
And Whereas a proposal has been received from the Director, Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata for delegation of power of Taxing Officer to officers of certain designations posted at that office and the new units/ offices, so that the massive workload can be rationalized and decentralised in public interest,
Now, therefore, in exercise of power conferred in sub section 2(g) of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax Act, 1979, the Governor is hereby pleased to empower the following officers of Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata to act as Taxing Officers, for the region of Kolkata as described in terms of Rule 2(b) of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, in addition to the existing ones:
1. Joint Director, (A&A), Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata.
2. Assistant Director, (Enforcement), Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata.
3. All ARTOs posted at the units/ offices of Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata. This order will take immediate effect.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal