Terms of Reference of Staffs under Adolescent Health Program and RBSK

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
Swasthya Bhawan, “A” wing, 3rd Floor, GN-29
Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700091

No. H/451/CFW/2007/2008(27) Dated: 27.11.2013

The CMOH (All Districts]/DFWO-Kolkata/MSVP (CMC/BMCH/BSMCH/NBMCH/MMCH/Baharampur MCH/Malda MCH)

Subject: Terms of reference of various staff under Adolescent Health Program and RBSK.

In order to implement Adolescent Health program and Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram smoothly, the terms of reference of the various staff under Adolescent Health Program and RBSK have been developed and have been annexed herewith. You are requested to see the same is strictly followed.

Place: Kolkata

Sd/- Director of Health Services & eo Secretary

Annexure- Guideline for peer group formation

No. H-451 dated 27.11.2013, Source

Terms of Reference – ARSH

Block Primary Health Centre (BPHC):

  • It has been decided that the different categories of staff of ARSH such as Lady Counsellor and/or Male Counsellor shall work under the direct supervision of the BMOH of the respective block.

District Hospitals/ Medical College Hospitals

  • Medical Officer & Counsellor at AFHC shall work under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of the respective Hospital.
  • DEO shall work under the direct supervision of Dy CMOH-III of the respective district.

Overall administrative control of the dedicated staff of ARSH program will be the respective ACMOH on behalf of CMOH at sub-divisional level.

  • Service and performance records including leave will be maintained by the concerned Superintendent/BMOH.
  • Programme related guidance will be rendered by the Programme Officers and DPC, DPMU of the District.
  • The overall controlling authority of the staff will be the CMOH of the concerned district.

Lady counsellor ARSH – Block level

Services at clinicOut reach Services
  • To run of Clinic for 3 days/week- Monday, Wednesday & Friday from (9 am to 4 PM)
  • To prepare micro plan for the coming month within last week of the current month
  • To develop and display adolescent friendly IEC/BCC materials at the clinic.
  • To ensure availability of proper Signage from OPD to clinic, equipments( eg. Weighing machine, measuring tape etc.), suggestion box, notice board.
  • To develop a comprehensive resource map for need based referral and linkages-intra and inter sectoral.
  • To provide Counselling services to adolescents, Gatekeepers of the adolescents
  • The counsellor will refer the adolescents (if required) to nearby appropriate facility (secondary/tertiary) with referral slips. At BPHCs the Medical Officers will examine clients at Anwesha clinic.
  • To follow outcomes of the referred clients
  • To maintain record in prescribed registers and to prepare monthly report and to send to the district within 3rd of the next month.
  • To participate and share outreach plan in Block MIES meetings and discuss pertinent issues.
  • To maintain intersectoral coordination with the staff of all other relevant departments
  • To perform the activities as directed by the controlling officers.
  • To convene periodic meetings with the stakeholders
  • Preparation of microplan in consultation with BMOH/BPHN/SI of Schools and CDPO for 3 days in a week – Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday (school & community) for the coming month within last week of the current month with special emphasis on co education school, clubs, Gymnasium etc.
  • To orient and provide awareness to school teachers, managing committee and parents.
  • To generate awareness, need, adolescent centric topic discussion, performing varios activities related to adolescents’ problems.
  • To identify peer educators, orient them, review their performance regularly
  • To participate in the Health mela, Koishore mela/Utsav, intersectoral convergence meeting, block MIS meeting etc.

Male counsellor-ARSH Clinic – Block level

Services at clinicOut reach Services
  • To run of Clinic for 3 days/week- Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday (9 am to 4 PM).
  • To prepare micro plan for the coming month within last week of the current month
  • To develop and display adolescent friendly IEC/BCC materials at the clinic.
  • To ensure availability of proper Signage from OPD to clinic. Equipments ( e.g. Weighing machine, measuring tape etc.), suggestion box, notice board etc.
  • To develop a comprehensive resource map for need based referral and linkages-intra and inter sectoral.
  • To provide Counselling services to adolescents, Gatekeepers of the adolescents
  • The counsellor will refer the adolescents (if required) to nearby appropriate facility (secondary/tertiary) with referral slips. At BPHCs the Medical Officers will examine clients at Anwesha clinic.
  • To follow outcomes of the referred clients
  • To maintain record in prescribed registers and to prepare monthly report and to send to the district within 3rd of the next month.
  • To participate and share outreach plan in Block MIES meetings and discuss pertinent issues.
  • To maintain intersectoral coordination with the staff of all other relevant departments
  • To perform the activities as directed by the controlling officers.
  • To convene periodic meetings with the stakeholder
  • Preparation of microplan in consultation with BMOH/BPHN/SI of Schools and CDPO- 3 days in a week – Monday, Wednesday, Friday (school & community) for the coming month within last week of the current month with special emphasis on Boys’ school, co-education school, clubs, Gymnasium etc.
  • To orient and provide awareness to school teachers, managing committee and parents.
  • To generate awareness, need, adolescent centric topic discussion, performing varios activities related to adolescents’ problems.
  • To identify peer educators, orient them, review their performance regularly
  • To participate in the Health mela, Koishore mela/Utsav, intersectoral convergence meeting, block MIS meeting etc.

Counsellor at AFHC:

Services at clinicOut reach Services
  • To run of Clinic for 5 days/week -Monday to Friday ( from 9 am to 4 PM)
  • To develop and display adolescent friendly IEC/BCC materials at the clinic.
  • To ensure availability of proper Signage from OPD to clinic., equipments ( eg. Weighing machine, measuring tape etc.), suggestion box, notice board etc.
  • To develop a comprehensive resource map for need based referral and linkages-intra and inter sectoral.
  • To provide Counselling services to adolescents, Gatekeepers of the adolescents
  • The counsellor will refer the adolescents (if required) and will accompany the clients within the facility. Otherwise, they will refer their clients to nearby appropriate facility with referral slips.
  • To follow outcomes of the referred clients
  • To maintain record in prescribed registers and to prepare monthly report and to send to the district within 3rd of the next month.
  • To maintain liaison with the doctors /nurses & other Staffs of the hospital time to time.
  • To maintain intersectoral coordination with the staff of all other relevant departments
  • To maintain liaison with ARSH counsellors at the block level
  • To perform the activities as directed by the controlling officers.
  • To convene periodic meetings with the stakeholders
  • Preparation of microplan for outreach on Saturday every week (school & community) for the coming month within last week of the current month within the municipal area.
  • To orient and provide awareness to school teachers, managing committee and parents.
  • To generate awareness, need, adolescent centric topic discussion, performing various activities related to adolescents’ problems.
  • To identify peer educators, using the platform of SUDA.
  • To participate in the Health mela, Koishore mela/Utsav, intersectoral convergence meeting, block MIS meeting etc.

Medical Officer at AFHC:

  • To ensure services six days a week at the AFHCs
  • To keep regular liaison with stakeholders
  • To refer the clients to the appropriate facilities if required and to follow them up.
  • To help to prepare microplan of counsellors, reports and registers
  • To strengthen intersectoral coordination
  • To work in collaboration with Surakhya clinic
  • To make liaison with the District Nodal person time to time
  • To monitor the logistics management
  • To act as Nodal person for various referrals from mobile health team under Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram, at District Hospital/ Medical colleges where they are posted.
  • To arrange for meeting, workshops etc as needed on Adolescent Health
  • To prepare the presentation of the monthly performance and send to the district authority along with the reports


  • To be posted at DPMU
  • To collect all the monthly reports from several programs under Adolescent Health (ARSH, RBSK, WIFS, MHP) and to compile them and sending them timely to the state

Terms of Reference

Programme Supervisor

  1. Function as a member of the DPMU and assist District RCH team in the areas of Program Management and HR management with respect to RBSK and Adolescent Health.
  2. To assess, maintain and update on infrastructure, logistics and implementation of RBSK with special emphasis on functioning of the Mobile Health Teams.
  3. Active participation in the preparation of District Health Action Plan.
  4. Monitoring of timely and accurate monthly reporting by the facilities. Analyzing of data after compilation by programme associate, Assist the Programme Officer in sharing the analysis of reports and pertinent observations with the blocks; Ensure timely flow of all monthly reports to State Head quarter.
  5. Performance reviews in District MIES & in selected Block MIES
  6. Monitor timely preparation and compilation of Microplan of the mobile health team
  7. Organize training and capacity building of AHP. Development of RBSK and AHP training calendar.
  8. Monitoring of AHP activities by maintaining standard check list at block level,
  9. Liaison with Dept of School Education/ Dept, of Woman & Child Dev./ General Administration/P & RD/ PHE for effective implementation and smooth functioning of different components under Adolescent Health Program and RBSK,
  10. Monitor Out reach activities of Counsellors.
  11. Visiting schools, ARSH Clinic and Anganwadi Centres- Viz.- 5 blocks/month, 2Schools/month, 4 AWCS/Month, 4 AFHCs /Month, 1 Peer Group/ Month
  12. Assessing the requirements and management of supply chain of drugs/logistics under guidance of Dy. CMOH III.
  13. Overseeing smooth management of referrals and ensuring linkages as per guidelines. Maintaining liaison with Heads/ Nodal Officers for referral management at secondary/tertiary health facilities)
  14. Assist in the development of a contingency plan for possible adverse events at the block level and ensuring that quick response teams with defined SOP for WIFS are in place.
  15. Any activity assigned by the RCH Officer
  16. Performing the activities of Programme Associate in his/her absence.

Programme Associate

  1. Assist the RCH team in areas of RBSK and Adolescent Health Program (AHP).
  2. Timely collection and compilation of reports.
  3. Assessing of infrastructure of School health team and provision of all support as directed by the Superiors,
  4. Maintaining of records and databank of HR; Coordinate, planing and implementation of IEC activities.
  5. Assist in performance review in District MIES & in selected Block MIES
  6. Providing support to programme supervisor in preparation of District Health Action plan for RBSK components of AHP.
  7. Assist in organization of capacity building activities.
  8. Communicating necessary directives from State/ District level to the blocks/Mobile Health Teams (MHT).
  9. Assessing the requirements and management of supply chain of drugs/logistics under guidance of Dy. CMOH III.
  10. Ensure data validation of District compiled report under guidance of Program Supervisor and Dy. CMOH-III.
  11. Any activity assigned by the RCH Officer
  12. Performing the activities of Programme Supervisor in his/her absence

Terms of Reference – Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)

Medical Officer-

  • The services of AYUSH Medical Officers of the Moblie Health Teams will be utilized for Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK).
  • Screening of children for4Ds and appropriate referral and linkage.
  • To prepare micro-plans in prescribed formats within the timeframe involving all stakeholders and communication of the same to all concerned.
  • Assess the needs (logistics, mobility & other materials) of the team and place the demand to the authority concerned in time.
  • Ensure the availability of required supplies for the programme.
  • Fixation of roles and responsibilities of the team members for each as per SoP.
  • Coordinate with the Headmaster/Headmistress of Schools and ICDS functionaries as and when required.
  • Ensure daily & monthly record keeping, reporting .
  • To help the BMOH to conduct monthly review meeting and intersectoral convergence meeting on RBSK and communicate the stakeholders to be present in the meeting.
  • Preparation, review & updates of referral linkage with the concerned Deptt & Units within the Block/Subdivision/ District. The records and outcomes will be tracked .in specific line-listing register.
  • One MO must ensure the screening of stipulated no. of children per day as prescribed in the guidelines.
  • He/ she must ensure the stipulated no. of children per day as per micro-plan for schools.
  • Identify ARSH needs and link Anwesha/ AFHC counselors for outreach activities.
  • Any other job that may be assigned by the Block, District and State Authority.

To Propagate W1FS programme when visiting upper primary and secondary Schools and give a feedback of status of WIFS to the BMOH on weekly and monthly basis.

2. Pharmacist:

  • The services of Pharmacist will be utilized as a member of Mobile Health Team Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)
  • Under the leadership of the Medical Officers, he/she has to perform as the Pharmacist-cum-Storekeeper of the programme. He /She will be primarily responsible for
  • Pharmacist will prepare evidence-based demand of the drugs and logistics and place the same through proper channel to the BMOH.
  • He/She will be responsible for recording and maintenance of registers/ cards in the prescribed format and ensure stock verification monthly while preserving necessary records & documents for audit.
  • He/She will help to prepare, review & updates of referral linkage with the concerned Deptt & Units within the Block/District. And the records and outcomes will be tracked in specific line-listing register.
  • During visit he/she wilt dispense drugs as per EDL and when provided maintaining FEFO norms and keep daily record for the same. He/ She should inform the authority concerned at least 3 months in advance in case of impending expiry of drug.
  • He/She wilt assist to prepare micro-plan and will be responsible for daily, monthly record keeping & reporting.
  • He/ She will perform the duties of Staff Nurse in her absence.
  • Any other job that may be assigned by the team leader, Block, District and State Authority

3. Staff Nurse

  • The services of STAFF NURSE will be utilized as a member of Mobile Health Team for Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)
  • She will be primarily responsible for anthropometry & history taking during screening of the children at Anganwadi Cntre and Schools.
  • She will be responsible for checking BP, recording length/height, weight, BMI, mid upper arm circumference and minor interventions,
  • STAFF NURSE will fill up relevant portion of the health card. She will assist to prepare micro-plan, daily, monthly record keeping & reporting.
  • She will help to review updates of referral linkage with the concerned Deptt & Units within the Block/District and the outcomes will be recorded in specific line-listing register for future tracking.
  • Any other job that may be assigned by the team leader, Block, District and State Authority
  • The working hours will be flexible based on school and AWC timings with the number of children to be covered will be as per operational guidelines and directives of the State authority from time to time.

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