Total period of TA’s service should normally not exceed 4 months and PPP project execution should commence within 4 months from the date of engagement of TA.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 2633-F(Y) Dated: 20.05.2014
It has come to the notice of the Government that some of the Government Departments engaging Transaction Advisors (TA) for advisory service for PPP and other such projects are either not fixing any time schedule for each work component to be delivered by the TA or time schedule is not being strictly adhered to. This is causing unnecessary and avoidable delay in execution of the projects and the resultant time and cost overruns. In order to overcome the problem and bring uniformity in the process of engagement of and service delivery by the TA as well as timely commencement of PPP project execution, it has been decided that a time-schedule for the purpose needs to be prescribed.
Therefore, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to prescribe the following stage-wise time-schedule for engagement of TA and their service delivery as well as commencement of PPP project execution. The time schedule will start after conceptualisation of PPP project, determining Terms of reference (TOR) of TA and post pre-bid meeting with the TA’s.
Item | Work component | Period of completion |
1 | Engagement of TA | 5 DAYS from the Limited tender Inquiry |
2 | Preparation of DPR, drafting RFP, concession agreement etc., and submission of the same by the TA | 21 DAYS from TA’s engagement |
3 | Approval to the DPR, draft RFP and concession agreement etc. | 7 DAYS from the date of submission |
4 | Floating of Tender/ RFP for procurement | 7 DAYS from date of approval of DPR, RFP etc. |
5 | Bid receipt, finalisation of supplier/contractor /service provider, and issue of LOI (Letter of Intent) to the selected bidder | 30 DAYS from the date of floating of the bid |
6 | Acceptance of LOI by the selected bidder | 3 DAYS from the LOI issue date |
7 | Finalisation and execution of Concession agreement/ contract with the concessionaire | 10 DAYS from the date of acceptance of LOI |
8 | Commencement of the PPP project execution | 15 DAYS from the date of execution of concession agreement |
The stage-wise time schedule given above is indicative. Deviation in stage-wise time schedule may be done with the approval of the Departmental Secretary of the concerned department. But the total period of TA’s service should normally not exceed 4 months and PPP project execution should commence within 4 months from the date of engagement of TA.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal