Can i take commuted leave before confirmation of the post of assist teacher in permanent and additional post in Schools.
Commuted Leave may be taken when no ML is on credit subject to max of 60 days with HAP in whole tenure.
In normal case:
For Permanent Post:
No ML will be taken within 1 year.
For Additional POsts:
No ML will not be taken within 2/3 years as the case may be.
BUT ML may be taken as per following circular!
77/2 Park Street, Kolkata – 16
No: Kol-2327/04/G dated 11.06.04
To: The Headmaster , B.T. Road Govt. Sponsored H.S. School, 35/2 B.T. Road, Kolkata – 2
Re: Sanction of leave in favour of Smt. Bijoysree Chakraborty, Ex-Asst Teacher.
I am directed to inform you that any teacher absenting himself or herself from the school on medical ground in his/her first year of service, can be granted medical leave with/without pay by the Managing Committee and the said leave shall be adjusted to the medical leave which will be acrued to his/her credit in subsequent period of his or her service in terms of office circular No. S/435B dated 6.6.01
Thanking you,
yours faithfully,
Sd/- illegible
For Secretary
77/2 Park Street, Kolkata – 16
Circular No: Kol- S/435-B, Dated 06.06.01
To: The Heads of all Recognised Secondary Schools.
Re: Clarification of certain points of Leave Rules
“In partial modification of this Office Circular no. 8417/G dated 7.11.81 and pursuant to the decision of the Executive Committee of the Board, it is clarified that teachers appointed to additional posts after confirmation to the regular posts will be entitled to the benefit of leave accrued during the pendency period of confirmation.”
Sd/- Pradyot Kumar Halder
Remarks: After availing such leave on Medical ground approval is to be obtained from WBBSE through the MC
In case of Commutation Leave there is no such G.O. Hence you could not avail COMMUTED LEAVE on HAP/FP within that period. Those orders are applicable for ML only!
I think, for availing commuted leave there is no bar of confirmation. For more information you may visit this link.
Thank you Mr. Som, but the link is applicable for GOVT EMPLOYEES, not for TEACHERS!
I see. Whether the rule is different for Govt employees and school teachers?
but as far i knw according to the GO NO. S/221 dated 30/08/10 a teacher can take commuted leave though his/her medical leaves are in hand, for that he/she will have to show personal ground, nt medical ground to the school.
Dear friend,
Leave Rules not only different between Govt.Employee and Teachers. Leave Rules Primary and Secondary Dept. is not same. Latest Leave Rules for Pry. Teachers published on 1999. Vide No. 453-SE(Pry.) dated 4.5.1999.They can enjoy Commuted Leave maximum 180 days.In case of Secondary School Vide No. 1541 Edn.(S) dated 15.12.1977(main Order)
it has been partially changed time to time. they can enjoy maximum 30 commuted Leave with full pay during his/her service life.
I see. Thanks dear friend. Can you upload the respective rules or link them?