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From which sources do the accounts along with the supporting documents flow to the Accountant General?
Thu accounts along with the supporting documents are flown to the Accountant General as under:
(a) Dist. Treasury submits accounts including the accounts of the Sub-Treasuries, if any. In West Bengal there are no Sub-Treasuries. All Sub-Treasuries were upgraded to Treasuries.
(b) Pay and Accounts Office of the State Government.
(c) Public Works Divisions and Forest Divisions and other departmental offices which are authorised to make payments through cheques and receive moneys and which render compiled accounts.
(d) Inter-State Suspense Accounts from other Accountant General.
(e) Clearance Memos advising Inter-Governmental adjustments in the book of the Reserve Bank of India and the statements of monthly balance from the R.B.I.
(f) Adjustments made by A.G. Office:
(i) Inter-Government adjustments,
(ii) Book transfer for inter-departmental transactions for supplies and services.
(iii) Periodical adjustment and Rectification of misclassification of accounts.
Describe the processes of compilation in Accounts of the transactions of the State in the office of the State Accountant General.
The first stage of compilation is the posting in the Detail Books which are two parts as under:
(a) Details Book-Part I
For compiling the treasury transactions direct from Cash Accounts and List of payments.
(b) Details Book-Part II
For consolidating the Debt, Deposit and Remittance figures appearing in the various Departmental and other abstracts. The total of the former arc brought into the latter in which the grand totals are struck.
The second stage of compilation is the posting in respective Departmental classified Abstract of receipts and payments shown in schedules furnished by Treasuries and the accounts submitted by the P. W. D. and the Forest Department. There are seven parts of Departmental classified Abstract which are mentioned below:
Three parts for Receipts
(a) First part — Details of Revenue.
(b) Second part — Details of Debt, Deposit and Remittance.
(c) Third part — Details of recoveries from payment vouchers.
Two parts for Disbursements
(a) First part — Details of expenditure.
(b) Second part — Details of Debt, Deposit and Remittances.
Two parts for Proof Sheets
(a) For correctness of total of receipts accounted in the Abstract.
(b) For correctness of total of payments accounted in the Abstract. Departmental Classified Abstracts bring together monthly receipts and payments for the whole account circle classified under the relevant major, minor and detailed heads of account. After Departmental Classified Abstracts have been completed, all adjustment entries under the head Debt, Deposit and Remittance against suspense head “Departmental Adjusting” is required to be brought to ‘Nil’. Departmental classified Abstract shows the progressive total or Receipts and Payments month by month of each Department (Major head wise).
Next stage of compilation is the posting of figures of Revenue Receipts and Payments from Departmental Classified Abstract, and Consolidated Abstract of Debt, Deposit and Remittance from Detail Book into Departmental Consolidated Abstract which shows the progressive total of Revenue Receipts and Service payments month by month under each Major, Minor and Detailed head of the account.
The final stage of the compilation is the preparation of the Abstract of Major head totals from the Departmental Consolidated Abstracts and the Consolidated Abstract of Debt, Deposit and Remittance transactions. Abstract of Major head total shows by major head accounts the total of Receipts and Disbursements of the accounts circle during and at the end of the month.
Q. Under what circumstances are Transfer entries required?
Transfer an item from one head of account to another head of account means Transfer Entries which are made in the following cases:
(a) Correction of an error of classification of account.
(b) Adjust by debit or credit to proper head and item outstanding under Debt, Deposit or Remittance head.
(c) Adjust inter-departmental or other transactions which do not involve the Receipts or Payments of Cash.
(d) A Bill pertaining to more than one head of account is initially accounted for under single head of account which is subsequently adjusted to the amount to other head of account as per Govt. Order.
Q. How are transfer entries made?
Q. What is Combined Transfer Ledger and Abstract?
Q. What are transfer entries and how the result of transfer entries are incorporated in the accounts?
Transfer entries means transfer from one head to another head of account due to
(a) Correct an error of classification.
(b) Adjustment of debit or credit to its proper head.
(c) Adjustment inter-departmental or other transactions.
(d) Classify and adjust items pertaining to more than one head.
The final outcome of all the transfer entries relating to a month is worked out in an Abstract known as the Combined Transfer Ledger and Abstract in which are shown the debits and credits to be made under each head of account. The total of debits and credits will be equal. The result of the same will be reflected in Departmental Classified Abstracts or Details Book.
Q. Describe the monthly accounts of the State Government which are submitted by the Accountant General to the State Government.
State Accountant General maintains the accounts of the State Govt As soon as accounts of the month are closed by the Accountant General the said Monthly Account is sent to the State Govt. Particulars of these accounts are taken from the Consolidated Abstract and Abstract of major head total. The following particulars are mentioned in the said monthly accounts:
(a) Revenue Receipts,
(b) Revenue Expenditure,
(c) Capital Expenditure outside of Revenue Account,
(d) Receipts and Payments under Debts Deposits etc.
(Consolidated Fund and Public Accounts)
(e) Progressive total upto the end of the month. There is a specified form for this purpose. The form provides separate column for budget/revised estimates and corresponding progressive figures of the last year.