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I heard from my colleagues that some of their known schools are giving compensatory casual leave for the said on duty.But they could not get any order copy regarding this.Is there any kind of order issued? thanks…
@atanumandal It is not possible to manage compensatory leaves for on-duties on 16 th and 30th August (now, 4th October), 2015 because as per
No. 1541-Edn (S) /21-2/77, dated 15.12.1977 …..
6. Compensatory leave
A teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school may be granted compensatory leave for half the period he or she may be required to attend the school for duty during a long vacation or holidays provided he or she attends the school at least seven days during such vacation or holidays.
So, it would be wrong for those schools if they provide Compensatory to the teachers for on-duties on those two days.
I am from a certain school in Champdani, Hooghly. Neither any leave was granted nor any remuneration paid to us for our attendance on the day of TET examination.
Any thing that we can do? Even we are paid for the bounden duty like checking of Madhayamik and HS scripts. Is there any order / circular/ memorandum or god knows what, which sanctions the school authority to force us to work and then eat up all the funds allocated for the purpose(here TET)? Yeh, I forgot to mention that
his highness, with all the largeness of his heart, did provide us a tiffin on that day consisiting of paratha, Alur dam and a piece of sandesh.
I received Rs 8000/-. Rs. 2000/- allotted for school as expense of the said examination. Generator- Rs. 1200/- ( we have no electrification), Tata Sumo ( for question papers and police -up and down from police station to school-” tata sumo” was bounding by the BDO) -Rs. 1250/- others Rs. 750/-(paper works, clothes, gala, envelope, wax, etc). Total Rs. 3200/- is spent for this purpose. But according to received amount of Rs. 6000/- (600 candidates, Rs. 10/- was sanctioned for each of the candidates.), I gave full amount of Rs. 6000/- equally among the invigilators and helpers. Shortage of Rs. 1200/- is spent from School A/C.
Yes, examine of answer scripts of M.P. & H.S. ( including Scrutiny of examined answer scripts) is a bounden duty. For this reason the examiners get their Remuneration, T.A. & Leave (5 to 10 days) for smooth sailing publication of result. If one deprive, then he/she must complain to WBBSE (Park Street Office) or WBCHSE accordingly.
Thanks a lot.