Group A Officer can attest documents as authorized Gazetted Officer. Group B employee on Career Advancement Scheme will not get the status of Group A Officer.
Sir, A P.G.Category Govt aided Secondary School Teacher get Grade Pay Rs.4800/-as per ROPA' 09. It is Group-A employee's G.Pay. Can he Attest documents as a Secondary School's Hademaster/ Gazetted Officer?
1,2,3: Due to Career Advancement Scheme, if someone gets the pay of a Group A post, he will not get the status of Gr. A officer. The pay admissible, may be of a Gr. A employee, but the pay is said to be personal to him. Hence he will not get the power of attestation or power to grant certificates.
* 4 Sir, I Think it is not the matter of Career Advancement Scheme. A p.G. category A.T. get grade Pay Rs. 4800/- from the beginning of his/her Service.Please Clarify it.
"Pay is personal to him": A phrase from West Bengal Service Rule. Let us take an example. Mr. X is an Assistant Teacher by designation. His Pay is say Rs. 30,000/- Pay is a data corresponding to Mr X, like Date of Birth which is personal. Not a data of Mr. X as Assistant Teacher.
5&6: Before 1978, joining, transfer etc. of Govt. Officers used to publish in Calcutta Gazette. Those officers had the power of attestation and power to grant certificates. Publication of names abolished thereafter due to increasing numbers of officers and grouping of services introduced. But still the term 'Gazetted Officer' is used for officers having Grade Pay equal or above 5400/- which was entry level Grade Pay of Gr. A Officer.
Sir, Please post or mail to me The G.O. bearing No.4890 F dated 16.05.1979 also G. O. No. 5326 F dated 15.06.1999. I am awaiting Now. With regards