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Describe the nature of revenue.
“Taxes do not have any quid pro quo from the state to the tax payer.” —Please explain.
Government revenues, i.e. Govt. receipts other than those under fund, deposit and loan head of accounts, may be classified as tax revenue and non-tax revenue.
Tax Revenues
Taxes are collected by the state for general purpose of the community. Tax payers do not get any direct return (quid pro quo) from the State for making payment of taxes. There are two type of taxes as under:
(a) Direct tax
Union — (i) Income tax. Wealth tax, Gift tax etc.
State — (ii) Agricultural Income Tax, Taxes on profession.
(b) Indirect tax
Union — (i) Duties of customs, Duties of Excise.
State — (ii) Sales Tax, State Excise Duty, Motor Vehicles Tax, Stamp Duty etc.
Non-Tax Revenue
This is purely an administrative decision. Non-tax revenues, on the other hand, involve some quid pro quo (return), these are generally receipts in return for supplies and services rendered by the State as under:
(i) Forest Revenue
(ii) Royalties from Mines and Minerals
(iii) Irrigation receipts
(iv) Registration fee
(v) Interest charges
(vi) Penalties.
“Regulation for the conduct of the Receipt Audit”—Describe.
Earlier the Comptroller and the Auditor General would give more importance on the audit of expenditure than on the audit of Receipts. A radical change was made in the Constitution under Article 151 wherein the duty of the C.A.G. is not only to audit of expenditure but also of receipts. A report to that effect shall be submitted by C.A.G. to the President or the Governor as the case may be who produces the same to the Parliament/State Legislature.
The checks exercised by the audit in respect of receipts are given as under :
(a) Sums dues are regularly recovered and checked against demand.
(b) Sums received are brought to the credit in the accounts.
(c) Detailed audit of receipts of the other major revenue earning departments viz. Income Tax, Sales Tax etc. was started from 1960.
How is audit of Interpretation of Law conducted?
Interpretation of Law is a judicial function. Audit may point out the following matters in this regard:
(a) Loophole in the Law.
(b) Where certain provisions in the actual working do not apparently bring out the true legislative intention.
(c) Rules, Regulations and Instructions issued by the Revenue earning departments in accordance under their delegated powers.
(d) Exemptions granted by them under their delegated power.
(e) Audit will see that the procedures prescribed by law and in accordance with the guidelines laid down in the Law have been properly observed.
What is the function of Receipt audit?
“In the audit of Receipts, ordinarily the general is more important than the particulars”—Elucidate.
Primary objects of receipt audit are given below:
(a) Whether assessment is correct.
(b) Whether collection system is strong.
(c) There is no delay in remittance.
The most important function of audit is to see:
(a) To check on assessment, collection and proper allocation of taxes as per rules and regulations framed by the Revenue Department.
(b) Rules, Regulations framed by the Revenue Department are properly observed and also audit will make such examination as it thinks fit with respect of the correctness of the sums brought to the account.
(c) Audit satisfies itself in general that the departmental machinery is sufficiently safeguarded against errors and fraud.
(d) Judging the effectiveness of assessment procedure.
(e) Any obvious error in the computation of assessment etc.
(f) Collections of Revenue as per scale or periodicals have been made as per prescribed rules.
(g) Internal procedures adequately secures correct and regular accounting of demands, collections and refunds. Maintenance of register in this regard is a must, otherwise dues of the Govt. could not be assessed whether the revenue was deposited in due time or not. If any dues are irrecoverable or adjustable, order of competent authority is required.
What are the most important functions of Audit in relation to assessment, collections and refund of revenue?
Functions of audit in this case are given below:
(a) The collection and utilisation of data necessary for computation of the demand or refund under the law.
(b) Prompt raising of demands on tux payers.
(c) Regular accounting of demands, collections and refunds.
(d) Correct accounting anti allocation of collections and crediting to the Consolidated Fund.
(e) Proper safeguards to be taken so that there is no wilful ommission or negligence to levy or collect taxes or to issue refunds.
(f) Claims of tax payers are pursued with due effort and are not abandoned or reduced except by the order of a competent authority.
(g) Double refunds, fraudulent or forged refund orders or other losses of revenue through fraud or mistake are promptly brought to the light and to start investigation.
What is the function of Receipt audit?
“In the audit of Receipts, ordinarily the general is more important than the particulars”—Elucidate.
Primary objects of receipt audit are given below:
(a) Whether assessment is correct.
(b) Whether collection system is strong.
(c) There is no delay in remittance.
The most important function of audit is to see:
(a) To check on assessment, collection and proper allocation of taxes as per rules and regulations framed by the Revenue Department.
(b) Rules, Regulations framed by the Revenue Department are properly observed and also audit will make such examination as it thinks fit with respect of the correctness of the sums brought to the account.
(c) Audit satisfies itself in general that the departmental machinery is sufficiently safeguarded against errors and fraud.
(d) Judging the effectiveness of assessment procedure.
(e) Any obvious error in the computation of assessment etc.
(f) Collections of Revenue as per scale or periodicals have been made as per prescribed rules.
(g) Internal procedures adequately secures correct and regular accounting of demands, collections and refunds. Maintenance of register in this regard is a must, otherwise dues of the Govt. could not be assessed whether the revenue was deposited in due time or not. If any dues are irrecoverable or adjustable, order of competent authority is required.
What are the most important functions of Audit in relation to assessment, collections and refund of revenue?
Functions of audit in this case are given below:
(a) The collection and utilisation of data necessary for computation of the demand or refund under the law.
(b) Prompt raising of demands on tax payers.
(c) Regular accounting of demands, collections and refunds.
(d) Correct accounting and allocation of collections and crediting to the Consolidated Fund.
(e) Proper safeguards to be taken so that there is no wilful omission or negligence to levy or collect taxes or to issue refunds.
(f) Claims of tax payers are pursued with due effort and are not abandoned or reduced except by the order of a competent authority.
(g) Double refunds, fraudulent or forged refund orders or other losses of revenue through fraud or mistake are promptly brought to the light and to start investigation.
How is audit of Customs conducted?
The audit of the customs documents is a test audit on a percentage basis.
Particular cases are taken up for audit as under:
(a) The Rules and Regulations and procedures observed properly.
(b) Defect in systems.
(c) Laxity on the part of the executive.
(d) Customs documents are broadly classified in two parts mentioned below:
(A) Day to day scrutiny of current documents viz.,
(i) Bills of entry,
(ii) Shipping bill,
(iii) Bill of export,
(iv) In-to and ex-bond bill,
(v) Baggage declaration and baggage duty receipt,
(vi) Postal transactions.
Audit of Ships file (Import and export). Audit sees that the department accounts satisfactorily for all goods and also for those liable to duty which are exported therefrom.
Audit also see to it the payments of refund and drawbacks are made as per rules and regulations.
How audit to the Central Excise Duty is conducted?
The audit to Central Excise receipts is conducted in two parts as under:
(a) Review and test check of all initial assessment documents maintained by the Central Excise ranges and factory/warehouse units under both systems (physical control and self-removal procedure), this is done by the peripatetic parties.
(b) Review of work of departmental internal audit conducted by the Chief Accounts Officer for each Central Excise Collectorate. This is done by a concurrent audit party.
The broad outlines of the techniques of the Central Excise Revenue audit including those followed by the peripatetic parties, may by started by follows:
(a) A study should be made of the manufacturing process of the commodity/commodities concerned with special reference to the raw materials used and the excisability or otherwise of products Formed in the intermediate stage, with a view to satisfying the audit that duly is levied on all excisable materials and that the charge to duty is raised as soon as the goods are in a fully manufactured condition, and not deferred to a subsequent stage.
(b) Correctness of the classification of goods for the purpose of assessment should be invariably examined from all possible angles.
(c) Any assessment at concessional rate of duty should be supported by an appropriate exemption notification. It should be specially seen whether the notification has been correctly applied.
(d) Executive instruction of the Central Board of Excise and Customs authorities non-levy/Concessional levy should be carefully examined in audit.
(e) Where the classification and the rate of duty depend on the test reports of the Chemical Examiner, they should be scrutinised in detail.
(f) All kinds of processing loss and storage loss should be examined to see that the losses were properly attributable to bonafide causes and were not unduly more than what could be justified by genuine causes like dryage etc.
(g) The Movement of goods enjoying special concession/exemption for their use in specified industrial processes should be examined with reference to relevant documents to ensure that goods were not diverted for other uses.
(h) In respect of goods falling under the self removal procedure the materials should be corelated with the finished product with the help of the master formula of production which the license is required to submit to the Collector. Other collateral factors like labour, fuel etc. should wherever possible be taken into account in examining this aspect.
(i) Judicial decisions and standard definitions given by Indian Standard Institute and other recognised bodies should be applied with a view to interpreting the tariff in case of doubt and determining the correct basis of assessment.
How is audit of refund bill in case of export of excisable goods outside India conducted?
Claims of refunds arise in the following cases:
(1) Rebate of duty on goods outside India;
(2) Revision of duty when the duty has already been paid;
(3) Ad-hoc refunds allowed by the Governments to encourage the production of export of certain goods;
(4) Cost of damaged labels, unused central excise stamps, license fees on rejected applications;
(5) Fines and penalties subsequently waived.
While conducting audit of refund bills, the prescribed checks are exercise by the audit.