
B.E / B. Tech in Computer Science is Honours Equivalent / Pass equivalent

Home Forums Higher Study B.E / B. Tech in Computer Science is Honours Equivalent / Pass equivalent

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    Is B.E / B. Tech in Computer Science is Honours Equivalent / Pass equivalent Graduate course? Very urgent.. Please reply.

    For the recruitment of AHM(Assistant Head Master), academic score will be 2 for Pass Graduate and 7 for Honours equivalent Graduate Course.My Headmaster want to show this degree (BE in CSE 4 years) is a pass Graduate degree.

    But candidate having this degree can sit for the SSC examination for class XI-XII in Comouter Science subject. Please see last REcruitment Rules 2016, SLST for Computer Science Subject.

    I need to prove BE in CSE is an Honourse Equivalent Graduate Course. Its urgent.

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