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As per Memorandum of Chief Secretary to the Labour Department, Government of west Bengal vide No – 2210-TP dated 22-12-1981, for the purpose of betterment of service, government employees can enlist their name with Employment Exchange.
I got the reproduced & typed copy of the order from my old files of GO which I am publishing here. Member friends are also requested to check whether any further amendments have been made by the authority or not.
Copy of Memorandum Mo. 2210-TP dt. 22-12-1981 from the Chief secretary to the Government of West Bengal, Labour Department, Employment Cell : to the Home (Police) Department.
The question of making suitable provision for enabling permanent and quasi-permanent state Government employees to register their names with the Employment Exchange for the purpose of securing better employment under the Government / Public Sector Undertaking / Autonomous bodies to higher posts has been engaged the attention of Government for sometime past. After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to decide as under: –
2. Permanent / Quasi-permanent Government employees may be allowed to register their names with the Employment Exchange for a higher post under the Government / Public Sector Undertaking / Autonomous Bodies on production of “No Objection Certificates” to such employees will be subject to the following conditions: –
i) An employee should be registered only for a post higher than the one he is holding under the Government. In case of doubt as to whether the post for which a permanent / Quasi-permanent employee intends to register himself with the exchange is higher than the one he is holding, the decision of the head of the Office / department shall be final.
ii) On being selected by the Government Department / Public Sector Undertaking / Autonomous Body for the higher post he may be treated on deputation / foreign service for a period of one year. On the expiry of this period, he should either revert to the parent department, or resign his post under the Government.
iii) Once one employee has been reverted to the parent department after spending a year outside, he should not be allowed to register his name once again for a period of at least two years.
iv) The Employment Exchange and the employee should simultaneously inform the Head of Office in which the employee is working of the fact of registration with the Exchange.
3. The Employment Exchange should sponsor such permanent and quasi-permanent employees for higher posts under the Government / Public Sector Undertaking / Autonomous Bodies as are eligible on grounds of age, educational qualification, experience etc.
4. Under the existing orders contained in Finance Department (Audit Branch) Memo No – 917-F dated 16-03-1968 temporary State Government employees are already permitted to get their names registered with the Employment Exchanges on production of a “No Objection Certificate” from their employers. They may be allowed to get their name registered in the same manner subject to the condition at per para 2 (iv) above. With regard to their submission, the Employment Exchange should follow the same principles as indicated at para 3 above.
5. In case of any doubt as to interpretation and / or implementation of the decisions contained in this Memo, the matter shall be referred to the Labour Department.
6. All Departments should bring the above decisions to the notice of their attached and subordinate office also.