Dear Friends,
Is it possible to take the 180 days of Maternity leave in a divided manner?
I mean, if the doctor advises: (A) rest for 3 months in the first trimester of pregnancy, and declares fit to work in the second trimester, and (C) again advises rest for 1 month in the last trimester and 2 months during breast feeding period, the total leave not exceeding 180 days.
Is it possible to combine the Child Care leave for 1 month at the end of the Maternity leave, or just after a brief joining of 7 days after the maternity leave?
Acc. to Head Master’s manual it is not possible to split the maternity leave (for Teachers).
@drjayeetab: There is no provision of taking maternity leave in spells as per WBSR Rule, 199 and subsequent amendments.
Maternity leave may be combined with any other kind except casual leave.
So, you may take Child Care Leave after the end of Maternity Leave. No joining is necessary in between.
The basic difference between Maternity Leave and Child Care Leave is that ML is related to CONFINEMENT in relation to pregnancy (including abortion) while CCL is for taking care of children upto age of 18 years. ML is granted for maximum of two childbirths (including twin) while CCL is not barred by no. of children. ML is not granted for step children/adopted children as no childbirth/confinement is involved in such cases. But, CCL is granted as it is related to caring of children of any kind whether produced or adopted or inherited (stepchildren). Therefore, Maternity Leave is granted for a continuous spell only while CCL may be of several discontinuous phases.
Thanks @donyi_polo and @nemo.
But my basic question is: If doctor advises me a 3 month rest in the beginning of the pregnancy period (consider the total term of pregnancy being 9 months) due to some medical grounds, what leave can I get for that? Please remember that Mat leave for 180 days is given in 1 spell, which should include the date of delivery (as @Nemo and @Torkona have said).
As I have joined the service for just 1 month, I am also probably not eligible for Earned leave or Medical Leave. In that case, will it be Extra ordinary leave or Service discontinuation?
You may take Extra ordinary leave, but remember “Extra ordinary leave” does not mean “Service discontinuation” (acc. to H.M’s manual)
For EOL rule please go through the link and see the attachment (Leave on without pay) Q 30.
Firstly, Service discontinuation is a different thing. Don’t mix it up with Leave.
Secondly, you have to consider what kind of leave you can avail. You will earn ‘Earned’ and ‘Half Pay’ leave on six monthly basis. You have already earned 15 Earned Leave and 10 H.P.L. since you have not completed 1 yrs service ‘Leave not due’ can not be sanctioned to you for the said purpose.
Now, if rest is advised by the Doctor for the first 3 months and you take the Maternity leave from the beginning of pregnancy, let’s see what will be the picture –
Maternity Leave for 180 days i.e. 6 months covered and 3 months remains. During the 6 months of M.L. you will earn another 15 days E.L. making a total of 30 E.L. at credit.On taking it, 1 month covers and 2 months remains. Till then you have earned 10 more H.P.L. making a total of 20 H.P.Ls at credit. On taking the H.P.L. grossly 1 month 10 or 12 days remains. At this point, you will have to opt for Extra Ordinary Leave for the remaining period. On the childbirth, you become eligible for the Child Care Leave.
two things in connection – 1. you need not to produce a medical certificate for the 30 days E.L. + 20 days H.P.L.
For the Extraordinary leave, your second increment (the first one you will receive on July, 13) will be deferred for one month and will be regularized from the 3rd one again.
Many many thanks to Mr. Ray for his painstaking effort.
EOL NEVER construes service discontinuation.
Can teachers take Child Care Leave? I think teachers can not take child care leave.
@ dmaity
No, till date no Order, allowing the benefit of Child Care Leave to the Teachers has been issued (so far my knowledge is concerned). Teachers will therefore not be able to take Child Care Leave.