1.I want to know whether CL is not permitted when the examination of school runs.
2. Can school authority force & wheep to go to school when school exam runs.
3. Is there any G.O. in this respect if any teacher is absent from school then his absentee is to be treated as Medicale Leave ?
I want to know as soon as possible from our respects members.
Re: Casuel Leave
Never heard of that. Actually we know that leave is not a matter of right and it depends upon the sanctioning authority whether to grant leave or not. During exam in a school Casual leave may not be sanctioned for the teachers, just like an emergency period in a country, ,the leave of the soldiers cancelled and called for duty, Its my personal opinion, there is no such G.O. I can place in support of my statement.
Lets see what our other friends says.
Re: Casuel Leave
I am also agree with Som Da. According to WBSR, leave can not be claimed as a matter of right. It will totally depend on your Authority.
Re: Casuel Leave
It’s not clear for me. Moreover school authority does not accept any logic yet they accept G.O. That is why I wanted to know wheather the period of absence within exam is treated as Medicale Leave ?
Re: Casuel Leave
Why do not you request/ask the school authorities to show them the G.O which supports their statement? Please note that if the local school administration is confused in arriving at any lawful decision in accordance with the applicable rules, please request them to forward your case to the Government for a decision or clarification. If you are forcibly denied any opportunity which in your opinion is illegal and has adversely affected you then you can seek the information for the administrative reason of the decision taken in your case under section 4(1)(d) RTI Act 2005 . But this information can only be asked or sought by the person affected and not by any other person on his behalf.
Re: Casuel Leave
That is why I wanted to know wheather the period of absence within exam is treated as Medicale Leave ?
There are few occasions when we can’t escape by taking casual leave e.g. election duty, examiner’s duty etc. The only way to escape is to prove medically unfit for performing duty. That’s why Medical Leave is applicable for the period of absence.
Re: Casuel Leave
Now my query is : Is it mandatory to apply (written) for CL before (minimum) three days. Is there any G.O. is this regard ? Please let me know.
With regards.
Re: Casuel Leave
Not mandatory.
Application must be submitted within 72 hours after enjoying leave.
Re: Casuel Leave
Casual leaves are no leave. It is there to meet the emergency need. But in all leaves you have to send an intimation of absence submitting that casual leave application follows or would be submitted at the time of resumption. However, I would be gald to know the 72 hours factor as described by Mr.nemo that from which order or rule this 72 hours factor has arisen?