Notification for Holiday on 26.10.2012: … 6-10-2012/
There is no restriction to avail casual leave on any day unless there is any special Order of the Govt or of the leave sanctioning authority.
Dear Mr Paul,
First of I like to welcome you to be a part of this family.
As you are asking for getting CL on 26-10-2012 which is a Government Holiday. So I am assuming that you are serving in Police / Fire Brigade or any other department. Beaing an employee of the Police Department I came to know that as per order of Police Directorate all types of leave sanctioning and availing has been stopped from 01-10-2012 unless having extriem emergency, till 26-10-2012.
Thank you
Dear Mr. Paul,
As per rule, you will not be able normally to take C.L. on 26.10.2012. 26.10.2012 is not a Government Holiday. You will be able to take leave but not C.L. or C.C.L. against duty on any previous day. There are Govt. holidays from 20.10.2012 to 25.10.2012 (6 days), 27.10.2012 & 28.10.2012 are Weekly holidays (2 days) and 29.10.2012 is another Govt. holiday. Now, if you take (apply for) Casual Leave on 26.10.2012, it will be absent for consecutive 10 days including your casual leave on 26.10.2012 which is not normally permissible by the rule.
As per Sec 6(4), Chapter – III of the West Bengal Secretariat Manual and Rule 207 (Appendix 10) of West Bengal Service Rules, Part –I, Casual Leave for more than 7 consecutive days can only be approved by the leave sanctioning authority on very special circumstances to be recorded in writing, provided that such holidays / off days preceding, following or falling within the period of casual leave shall not be counted as part of the Casual Leave.
This will be possible, if your leave sanctioning authority sanctions your casual leave in the line of rule sated above if the authority is satisfied that this is a ‘very special circumstance’.
Application for a one day E.L. for that day will be a better option.
Dear @ rajib 5799,
You may apply for Medical Leave for this particular day. Because any other holidays are be not counted due to prefix and suffix.
Thank you.