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Dear wbXpress nd Som,
After joining in the service an asstt. teacher has to b confirmed by the resolution of the M.C. in a urgent meeting(copy of resolution send to D.I. OFFICE) nd approved by the D.I.
An A.T.gets due salary after being approved
GPF a/c is to b opened after completion of 1 yr of service.
We r told in this forum that the post is to b confirmed after continuous nd satisfactory 2 yrs service in the same post(govt.order)–
now my is that 1.what is the importance of M.C. confirmation nd approval no. then?
2.Is there any confirmation letter we r abt to receive after 2 yrs of service?
3.If an A.T. could not perform her/his service or anyway has to b without pay,will the confirmation detained?
We all school teachers get approved by D.I.,enjoy salary nd every kind of leaves,we feel confirmed in our post,but your words creates a confusion to me,plz clear it.
Thank you.
First of all, thanks for starting this importent topic. Though I am not an employee of education department, I would like to reply you the following.
1. I dont think the resolution is about confirmation. It may be regarding joining and starting of salary.
2. Yes, Confirmation letter should be received from the concerned D.I. and it should be noted in the service book . You may have a look at the following link for more details though its for primary teachers https://wbxpress.com/topic/confirmation-letter-is-essential-or-not/
3. Of course. The service should be continuous.
Now, I request our admin or friends related to education department(Asit Baran Pal, Biku, Kaushik, b.roy, Shantanil etc.) to post their comments and tell me if I am wrong.
In case of Govt employee, the confirmation is made by the appointing authority by formating a committee. The committee submits report after scrutiny of performance reports(last two years) and service book. Thereafter a confirmation letter is sent to the Head of office and the Head of office makes note of the same in the service book.
সবিতাদি, আপনার প্রশ্নগুলো যথাযথ ও গুরত্ত্ব্পূর্ণ।
কিছু কিছু স্কুলের (উঃমাঃ) প্রধানশিক্ষক/টি আই সি উদ্দেশ্যপ্রণদিতভাবে কিছু কর্মচারীর স্থায়ীকরণ এক বছরের মধ্যেই করে দিচ্ছেন এবং ডি আই অনুমোদনও দিচ্ছেন। এটা কি করে সম্ভব হচ্ছে বুঝতে পারছি না।
অনেক ক্ষেত্রে ছয় মাসের মধ্যেই পি এফ এর অ্যাকাউন্ট খোলা হচ্ছে ?
এক্ষেত্রে সরকারি নিয়মের কোনো তোয়াক্কাই করা হচ্ছে না। আপনারা কি বলেন?
1) In case of the Additional post ,(according roll strength of the school) after 2 years from the date of joining MC will submit an application with Res No. for RETENTION of the post as well as will give a confirmation letter to the teacher . In case of Higher Secondary school ,such RETENTION will be consider after 3 (three) years of joining.
2) In case of the Permanent post , after 2 years (probation) from the date of joining MC will take Resolution and give a confirmation letter to the teacher. In this case there is no need to take permission of the D.I.
3) If a confirmed teacher joins in a new school with “same scale” ,then the MC can relaxed the probation period of this teacher.
4) If an assistant teacher joins with ” higher scale” or as a “H.M.” of a school, then his/her probation period will be 1(one) year.
5) If a teacher of an un-aided school joins in an aided school, his/her probation period will be 2 (two) years.
**** according to “pbiswas’s” posting “TO BE ” or “NOT TO BE” depends and varies on the above condition. If there is taken any wrong decision then the ignorance is responsible for this.
Thanks a lot of all.
According to my knowledge no school of my surroundings had been issued any kind of confirmation letter by their M.C. to their asst teachers. Even not to me :eek:
thax for your information.
I just want to see it in print, could you help me to find it?
thax again.
W.B.B.S.E.Circular No.43/56 dated 28/08/56
Ref. : Confirmation of the service of a teacher.
…….. Though the Managing Committee of a Recognized High School will be the proper authority to confirm the services of a teacher appointed in that school, the probationary period as noted above should not be waived or relaxed,except in the circumstances stated in para 2.
If a teacher has been serving in a school against a permanent vacancy continuously for more than two years and no specific decision has been taken by the Managing Committee regarding his confirmation or otherwise in a meeting held within a month of completion of the period of probation,such teacher shall be considered to be a confirmed teacher.
There is another circular, D.S.E. Memo No. 147 (16) GA dt. 11.02.83.(Management Rules 1969, Rule 28 (7)
The power of M.C. is described here.
* when I was an asstt.teacher I got it.
* If one deny to know the correct things and activates to do so, then the fault is his.Not other’s. Don’t mind. Thank you.
First of all, I like to express thankfulness to Mr. Acharya who always makes his earnest effort to post the valuable G.O.s related to the SSC teachers.
In context of confirmation in service the general principle is that If no decision is communicated by the competent authority to an employee in regard to his/her confirmation, within a prescribed time after completion of probationary period, the said employee is deemed to be confirmed in the service.
Absolutely correct. Thank you.
Absolutely correct. Thank you.
What was said by Dr. Majumdar on the 15th Sept., regarding time limit for confirmation in service was the opinion of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
পূজনীয় মিহিরদা, আমাদেরকে সঠিক তথ্য দেওয়ার জন্য অশেষ ধন্যবাদ। গত ১৩ ই সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১২ আমার চাকরি জীবনের দুবছর পূর্ণ হল। আমি উঃ মাঃ জীববিদ্যার স্থায়ী পদে যোগ দিই ২০১০ এর সেপ্টেম্বরে। গত ১৫ই সেপ্টেম্বর এ আমি আমাদের টি আই সি কে মৌখিকভাবে সেকথা জানাই। এখনো পর্যন্ত তিনি বা সেক্রেটারি আমাকে এ ব্যাপারে কিছু বা তাদের মতামত জানান নি । প্রসঙ্গতঃ আমি একজন শিক্ষক প্রতিনিধি । আমার প্রশ্ন হল এখন আমার করণীয় বিষয় কি কি ?? যদি কমিটি কোন ব্যবস্থা না নেয় তাহলে আমার কি কি করা উচিৎ ?? উত্তরের অপেক্ষায় রইলাম ?
শুভেচ্ছান্তে প্রসেঞ্জিত বিশ্বাস…