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Service Book in duplicate / Duplicate Service Book
An employee either any teacher or Govt. employee should be open his/her service book in duplicate. In duplicate means, tow copies of service book. Both are original. But we see major portion of our office one original and other copy is attested. One original S.Book shall be kept under the custody of Head of the office and another original S. Book shall be given to the teacher/ Govt. employee. Head of the office is responsible for this. I think its a very important near us.
Re: Duplicate Service Book/Service Book in Duplicate.
You are right. Service Book is the soul of our service life. Service Book must be opened immediately after joining into service. But how many D.D.O. follow this?
The first copy of Service Book should be under the custody of Head of the Office. This Copy is Original. The second copy is a duplicate copy of the original. This copy will be with the Employee. This copy is matched every year with the original copy. Necessary entry is done and every entry is attested by the Head of the Office. Although this copy is a duplicate copy; but this copy will be treated as Original. In case the Original copy is missing then the duplicate one must be treated by the authority as Original. So, as practiced everywhere, that is right, the second copy is always attested copy.
Re: Duplicate Service Book/Service Book in Duplicate.
I learnt that the service book should be shown and signed yearly by each of the employees. Whether any note should be given in the service book as and when an arrear amount is paid to the incumbent?
Re: Duplicate Service Book/Service Book in Duplicate.
as per order when “Both are original” . I can’t understand why another copy is duplicate of the original? Please clarify it.
Re: Duplicate Service Book/Service Book in Duplicate.
dear som sir, While noting in service book there is no provision to enter the arrear payment, actually yearly increment/ different financial benifit e.g. CAS/ Promotional etc which are related to changing his basic ,only that one generally entered. If any employee gets any arrear due to wrong entry in the service book then it may be corrected by 1. certifying in the service book that in correction of the pay of the employee concerned no overdrawn exists and 2. the arrear payment will be reflected in the bill book/ register. similarly if there is any overdrawan due to wrong fixation or noting then it can be also corrected by certifying that the overdran amount has been recovered ( or overdrawn amount is deposited through TR-7) and no overdrawn exists. Similarly due to Revision of Pay eg ROPA-09 once the basic pays were written up to 31/3/2009 considering old scale of pay again these r written from 1.1.06 onwards considering Pay Band & G.P. as per Ropa-09. with regards. Thank you.
Re: Duplicate Service Book/Service Book in Duplicate.
Nicely written Mr Mandal. Glad to know that you have some good knowledge in Accounts. Actually the question focused into my brain last year when I saw an order of CAS benefit. It was written there that the fact of payanent of arrear should be noted in the service book. Thanks for your comments. One thing more , please dont call me “Sir” as because I am too much junior to you. Rather I would like the word “friend” if you dont mind. Take good care of yourself and re-regards.
Re: Duplicate Service Book/Service Book in Duplicate.
If an assistant teacher(primary) acts as the teacher-in-charge,will that be noted in his service book?
Re: Duplicate Service Book/Service Book in Duplicate.
Not necessary to write in his Service Book. Perhaps he has not appointed to act as as Teacher-in-charge by his employer & also he has not take any allowance for that.
Re: Duplicate Service Book/Service Book in Duplicate.
Dear Mr. Som, A lot of thanks for your compliments. Feeling good to be called friend by you and also our other members. thank u again.
Dear A.B. pal sir, You rightly said that for Teacher in charge in primary school should not be entered in the service book. Actually in pry school teacher in charge is appointed for maximum 6 months and with in 6 month the council should appoint Permanent HT.
In reality, council does not give any appointment for teacher in charge nor the council arrange the HT in time. What is your experience? May be I am Wrong . Thank you.
Re: Duplicate Service Book/Service Book in Duplicate.
I think all the members of this community should be tagged with the relation of Friendship and the word “Sir” should be avoided as far as possible. After all this is the best relation in the world for which it is not require to clarify any age, caste, religion etc . Of course this is my personal opinion which may not be accepted by all.