Dear Admin & Members I want to know 1.What is the Duties and Responsibilities of Academic council in a secondary school? 2.Is there any G.O regarding this matter? 3.What can the academic council members do if the H.M rejects their decision? 3.Routine work, exam duty chart preparation work, M.P & H.S duty chart preparation etc. are the duties of academic council? 4.If the academic council members reigns what will be the result on M.C?
1) The Committee of each institution shall constitute an Academic Council composed of the Head of the Institution, the Assistant Headmaster or Assistant Headmistress , if there be any ,as the may be , and not more than 3 members elected from amongst the members of the teaching staff including the Librarian AND THE ASST.LIBRARIAN where there is one ,working against sanctioned posts or sanctioned additional posts for not less than two years.
2) The H.M. will be the President and Assistant Headmaster or Assistant Headmistress will be the Secretary of the said council. Where there is no Assistant Headmaster or Assistant Headmistress, one from amongst the elected members shall be elected Secretary of the Academic Council. In case of any causal vacancy, it shall be filled by the election at a meeting convened for the purpose and the H.M. shall preside over the meeting.
3) If the school is Higher Secondary recognised by W.B.C.H.S.E. the total numbers of the members of the Academic Council does not exceed 5 (five).
4) After the construction of the new M.C. the H.M. shall convene a meeting within one month from the first meeting of the newly constructed M.C. and the teacher-members including librarian /asstt.librarian ,the Academic Council shall be elected in that meeting. The Head of the institution shall convene the meeting once in every two months in an academic years.
5) The council may discuss matters connected with (a) admission,(b) promotion, (c)selection of books,(d) time table of school hours and (e)matter related to the improvement of teaching and co-curricular activities.The H.M. shall ordinarily, be guided by the advice of the council. But the H.M. may for reasons to be recorded in writing OVER-RULE the advice of the council.If any member of the council who may be in disagreement with the decision taken by the H.M. may refer the matter to the M.C.,whose decision thereon shall be final. Selection of the books shall be final with the consultation of the subject teachers. In selecting books, should exercise with great care and a book prescribed, allowed to continue at least for 3 years, unless there are complling reasons for a change.
Thank you.
Thank you mihiracharya for your valuable information. But I want to know more information in this regard like 1. what will happen if any member of the academic council other than the Assistant H.M resigns from the council? 2. What is the procedure of resignation and to whom the resignation letter to be submitted? 3. If there is any rule when the H.M and Asst. H.M refuse to take any regular teaching class by rejecting the decision of the council and what should be done in this situation? Again thanks a lot.
1) In case of any causal vacancy, it shall be filled by the election at a meeting convened for the purpose and the H.M. shall preside over the meeting.( this causal vacancy may occurred by RESIGNATION).
2) Resignation should be submitted to the President (H.M.) of the council.
3) If there is a genuine and emergency cause to take the respective classes (number of classes) due to urgent work load of the H.M./A.H.M should be overcome by the provisional class routine. But if it is a practice,then it may bring to the notice of the M.C and then to the A.I.Schools/ D.I. of Schools.
*** Dear friend,
It is a great problem to many of our schools running in our state. There is nothing to do as an asstt. teacher.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot @ Mihiracharya. What you said is very true but we can protest this kind of unjust activities of H.M.
Is there any G.O. on this matter?
You will find in “Rules for Management of Recognised Non-Government Institution (Aided and Unaided)1969. It has been modified from time to time. You may find it in Head master Manual.
Thank you.
@saij: The following links may be helpful.
Who is to write the minutes of the Academic Council meetings?
Normally the AHM, the secretary of the Academic Council. If there is no AHM then it may be by the H.M, the President of the academic council. But in manual no such rule is mention.