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Can anybody upload G.O. or any other authentic documents containing details of duties and responsibilities of HMs!
Describing the Duties & responsibilities of a Headmasters, is impossible in this page,it is so vast. I try to give a few word about the matter from my knowledge.
A Headmaster, as the educational supreme authority holds the key position in a school. To become an important person of the school, he has two major responsibilities-(i) administration of the school and (2) personnel supervision of the teaching —learning process. Everything of the school, the staff, the curriculum, methods and techniques of teaching, co-curricular activities etc. is organised by him.
The efficiency of the school depends on the ability, skill personality , professional experience of a Headmaster. He is the Sun around which the educational planets are being spinning. According to P.C, Wren, “What the main spring is to the watch, the flywheel to the machine or the engine to the steamship, the headmaster is to the school.
The school character reflects and proclaims the professional skill of a head master. He is the seal and the school is the wax. He is an organizer, leader, governor, business director, coordinator, superintendent, ideal teacher, guide, philosopher and friend to all the students, guardians teaching and non-teaching staff. Above all, he is an artist.
Power of Leadership
To become a leader of the school, the headmaster should understand the place of the school in the social order and the duty it should perform. He should recognize that there are other institutions and agencies in the community which are engaged in the education of the students and to understand their relation to the school. He must be in a position to understand the socio-economic and political environment changes in our society and to explain their meaning for the school, the students and the teachers aware of these changes.
To achieve these ends he must have knowledge in educational sociology, philosophy of education, organization, supervision and administration of education, comparative education, educational psychology, and secondary school curriculum. It will help him in his professional preparation.
For the technical preparation of educational leadership, he must have knowledge and skill which will enable him to administer the high school. He should develop his knowledge about how to develop the institution and administration of the institution , including students activities and differents kinds of programmes. To acquire knowledge of the methods and procedures through which he will be of assistance to the teachers. The headmaster should have to supervise the methods in teaching and the courses and curriculum . He should also have a power of measurement and evaluation.
As a result of this, he will be in a position to assist his teachers in measuring the outcome of their own instruction and the educational programme. The teachers can determine the area in which improvement is needed and may also evaluate the results as their effort to improve.
The Qualities and Personality of the Headmaster
One of the important parts in educational leadership is the personality of the supervisor, for the personality trails influence the personality of the teachers. Personality here may be thought of as a composite of all menial, emotional and physical characteristics which an individual may possess. Through their overt manifestations he impresses others. The mental and emotional traits are of more significance in their influence upon other’s reactions. The headmaster should develop these facts of his personally so that he shall possess a pleasing personally lo influence others.
Desirable personal qualities of the Headmaster
The Headmaster, as the leader must have the ability to organize and assist the faculty in formulating a programme, for the improvement of instruction in the school. He must inspire the teachers, secure their cooperation in developing the supervisory programme and stimulate them for their active participation.
The Headmaster should be enthusiastic and should work with his staff for the development of the school. He should have vision, initiative, originality, self-reliance and confidence. He should have qualities like sincerity, frankness,imagination,talents and genuineness. Al last he will be an honest person.
To solve the problems of differences of opinion concerning methods, procedures or other aspects of the programme, he should possess such qualities as self-control, fair-mindedness, fact, adaptability, sound judgement, open-mindedness and resourcefulness. He should respect the opinions of others.
Qualities like a sense of humor, sense of vocation, integrity, scientific attitude, and friendliness are also lo be developed in the headmaster. He should avoid peculiar mannerisms. He should allow freedom lo the leaders, treat them sympathetically and respect their personality.
He must have superior mental abilities, intelligence, deep intuition and logical reasoning. All teachers should be loyal to him and must look lo him for guidance, counsel and inspiration. He should be a man of high moral character.
He should have faith in humanism. He should try to humanize the de-humanized individuals working in the system. The school organization should be such, as will fulfill its proper function i.e., “Education of the whole man” through its programmes.
Qualities of a headmaster in the words of Rybtim, “It is essential, therefore, that he be not only a man of high character, but also that he be a man of faith, in his vocation, faith in his pupils, faith in human nature and faith in his staff.”
He should abide by the manual ( Head master manual like the constitution of an institution). He should updated himself.
A man, who is not definitely superior in all these respects should forego his supervisory responsibility as he happens to be the keystone of the educational arch. If he does not possess these qualities, the structure of education will fail down like a house of cards.
DEAR “donyi_polo” Now a days the duties and responsibilities and work loads of a headmaster is increasing to the sky. Due to Sarba Siksha Mission and RTE-2009, the work loads of a headmaster is too tough to maintain every thing. After all he is also a human being, he has also a family with kids. You will find the management rules by the wbbse and the duties and responsibilities of teachers.
I am sorry to say that an inefficient headmaster will face the DANGER of students,guardians,M.C.,S.I.,A.I.,D.I.,Political Leaders,etc.,etc.
Thank you.
Dear Mr. Acharya,
I am really thankful to you for taking this painstaking task!
With regards.
A ‘H.M’ is a, “Leader among the equals”.
Dear Mihirbabu,
I raised the point in context of the grievance expressed by an AT in the following post.
I have already got reply from Ram Prasadbabu. I know its a very common practice adopted by many HMs. It seems that a HM can’t do such practice in allocation of classes between teachers of normal and HS sections! Nature of appointment (normal/HS) is clearly mentioned in the approval! Am I right?