After how many hours can any A T leave school for his urgent personal affairs ?
What’s the rule for such an early departure ?
There is no such rule in School. If there is any emergency case occur, then at the sympathetic ground after informing (discussed later) he/she may leave School, but if this early departure is happens intentionally and repeatedly, then if necessary action will take by the M.C.
Will it be treated as CL or half pay ?
For three late arrival in a calender month there will be deduct 1 C.L, but for early departure there is no such provision of deduct C.L or half pay.
How many times can such leave be claimed ?
Actually this is not a leave. This is only for emergency need. Sometimes it depends upon School atmosphere and relation among the all staffs.
Is the HM bound for granting such a leave application ?
Who is to inform in the aabsence of HM ( where no AHM is ) for such an early leave ?
Since this is not a leave, so if any body feel some urgent problem (like a serious phone call from home, personal physical problem etc) after coming School, he/she tell it to his/her H.M obviously (in absent of H.M it is A.H.M, in absent of A.H.M it is Secretary of staff council, if all of them will absent then discuss with senior staff(s)) and they should take the decision.