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Dear friends,
Can you suggest how a primary school can get electric connection? Please suggest the procedure in details. Also mention what fund (school development or school maintenance) can be used for this purpose? How the the electric bill may be paid? Is there any grant for this purpose or can the students be asked to pay any amount in a govt. aided Pry. school? Your replies are appreciated in advance.
With thanks…
Head of the Primary School may apply to the respective Group Electric Supply Branch of West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. In the given Form specifically mention that the connection is required for an Institution not for an individual. Get the form certified from an Electrical License Holder stating total connected load. An amount is to be deposited as security money which is refundable upon cancellation of service line. Then WBSEDCL will provide the service line.
Electricity Bill is to be paid each month to the branch office. In a Govt. Aided Primary School, I think a separate head of account should be present, from which the expenditure may be incurred.
Thanks asif for your reply. friends please provide more detail on this issue on the following matter
1.Is it necessary to get any permission from the department of education?
2.How to arrange for the necessary charges including the installation charges and cost of fans ,light etc. ?
3. any other details necessary in this regard.
Dear friend,
As a Pry. Head Teacher of an electrified School I have little experience about it.
There is no need to get any permission from higher authority.A V.E.C/W.E.C resolution is enough. You may use for installation charges and purchasing electric goods from Dev. and maintenance grant.You may also collect some Fans and others from your locality. It will be treat as local contribution.Please do not collect any cost from your students. No question arise from the Auditors till now.With thanks.
Thanks Mr. Pal. Can you suggest how to pay the bill (i.e. what fund may be utilized)? Can both Dev. & maintainance fund be used for during the first installation of electricity? Please suggest. Thanks!
At first try to use Development Fund for installation purpose after another. Due to deficiency of fund teaching staff may share to pay monthly bill. Other wise find out other sources as you think. With thanks.
We do share among the teachers to pay electric bill.Some time H.T. pay from other sources. Thank you.
Thanks Mr Swapan for sharing your way of arrangement of the electric bill. But is their any scope to utilize the money in VEC a/c? Otherwise how can it be permanent solution? Friends please share your experience.
this is one order copy(birbhum district d.p.s.c) on behalf of birbhum district primary schools electrification…….. electrification.jpg
what type of electric charge wil be either domestic or commercial?