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Sir, I would like to place a matter. A Head clerk of our office is going to be retired. His only son is mentally challenged. The question is that after his and his wife’s death, will their son be eligible to get family pension during his whole life? If yes, please publish the concerned Govt. Order, so that we can download it to fulfill his purpose.Thanking you….rusiwb
Yes. Family pension to the handicapped child is applicable for life time in view of Rule 104 of WBS(DCRB), 1971 as amended vide G.O. No.200-F(pen) and 201-F(pen) dated 26.02.07. I shall try to post both the G.O.s at the earliest.
Thanks Sir,I am now eagerly waiting for your post revealing the respective Govt. orders.This will be really helpful to meet my senior‘s requirement.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Pension Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kol-1
Block-IV, 2nd floor
No. 200-F (Pen) Dated, the 26th Feb, 2007.
Before allowing the family pension for life to any son or daughter of a pensioner in terms of rule 104A of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71 the sanctioning authority of such pension is required to be satisfied that the handicap is of such a nature as to prevent him or her from earning his/her livelihood and the same is required to be evidenced by a certificate to be obtained from a medical officer not below the rank of Civil Surgeon Stating out as far as Possible, the exact mental or physical condition of the child. But the post of ‘Civil Surgeon’ does not exist at present.
After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to adopt the following procedure for the redressal of such inconvenience in line with that followed by the ministry of Welfare, Govt, of India, vide their No. 4-2/ 83-HW III dt. 06.08.86 and the Department of Social Welfare, Government of West Bengal vide notification No. 2101-SW/1A-14/97 dt. 08.07.99.
A certificate for this purpose shall be issued by a Medical Board which shall consist of not less than two members out of which one shall act as Chairperson and another shall be a Specialist for assessment on the particular kind of disability as the case may be.
The Superintendents of all Govt. Medical College Hospitals, of all District Hospitals, of all Sub-Divisional Hospitals and the Block Medical Officers of Health or his equivalent at the Block level shall act as Chairperson of such Medical Board and shall include as another member of the Board such Specialist Govt. Doctor as may be required. In case of non availability of such Specialist Doctor, at any level, the CMOH of the District concerned shall arrange to depute a Specialist(s) as may required to the place where such non-availability has secured.
O.S.D. & E.O. Special Secretary
to the Govt, of West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Pension Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kol-1
Block-IV, 2nd floor
No. 201-F (Pen) Dated, the 26th Feb, 2007
At present the son or daughter of a Government employee who is suffering from any disorder or disability of mind or is physically crippled or disabled so as to render him or her unable to earn a living even after attaining the age of 25 years, the family pension shall be payable to such son or daughter for life subject to some terms and conditions laid down in rule 104A of WBS (DCRB) Rules, ’71. But in case of a handicapped child it is difficult to claim family pension for life in terms of the above rule when his/her turn comes as there is no provision .to incorporate the name of the minor children other than spouse in the P.P.O.
After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to adopt the following procedure for the redressal of such difficulty in the lines as followed by Government of India :—
i) The disability as mentioned in rule 104A of WBS (DCRB) Rules, ’71 when manifests itself in the child which makes him/her unable to earn his/her living, the fact Should be brought to the notice of the P.S.A. duly supported by Medical Certificate issued by a Medical Officer not below the rank of Civil Surgeon.
ii) The PSA shall on receipt of the said form get it pasted on the Service Book of the Govt, employee and acknowledge the same.
iii) In case where P.P.O. has already been issued without mentioning the name of the children eligible for family pension, the pensioner, if he/she so desires, can furnish a list of eligible children to the PSA, inter-alia, indicating also if any child is handicapped, supported by a Medical Certificate as in (i) above. Receipt of the same will also be acknowledged by the PSA.
iv) The acknowledgement as in sub-para (ii) or (iii) above may be preserved by the family members or by the legal guardian in case of mentally handicapped person. The production of a acknowledgement will, however, not be a pre-condition to the processing of claim for family pension.
v) The spouse of the deceased pensioner/Govt. employee can be allowed to furnish the details of the eligible children including handicapped children if not furnished by the Govt, employee/pensioner before his death.
vi) When the claim for family pension in terms of Rule 104A of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71 arises, the legal guardian of the child as mentioned previously should make an application to the PSA with a fresh Medical Certificate from a medical officer, not below the rank of Civil Surgeon to the effect that the child still suffers from the disability.
Necessary amendment to the relevant rules of the State Government will be made in due course.
Note : The Words ‘Civil Surgeon’ have been clarified in Memo No. 200-F (Pen) dt. 26.02.07, a copy of which is enclosed.
O.S.D. & E.O. Special Secretary
to the Govt, of West Bengal.
thanks once again ,Sir….for your kind co-operation.
You are most welcome friend. Please dont call “sir” as we all are friend.
Hi Sir…myself bristy ray from Howrah. My father is a retired State Govt. Employee (Howrah Municipality Corporation). Now he is getting family pension. I am 27 yrs old and a OH (Orthopaedic Handicapped) person with 55% of disability. I do have my Handicapped Card and Handicapped medical certificate. My questions are:
1) Is there any additional facilities that can be added to our family pension?
2) After my parents death will I be eligible to get family pension during my whole life?
If yes, what I need to do for apply my pension?
will appreciate ur help…thanking you…bristy.
Hi Bristy. I would like to reply you as follows:-
1) Is there any additional facilities that can be added to our family pension?
I dont think so.
2) After my parents death will I be eligible to get family pension during my whole life?
You will be eligible to get the family pension only if you furnish a certificate issued by a Medical Board to the effect that the handicap is of such a nature as to prevent you from earning your livelihood.
If yes, what I need to do for apply my pension?
Please read the above mentioned G.O. carefully, the following steps should be taken as per my knowledge.
1. Visit a Superintendent of a local Govt. Hospital and file an application for obtaining a Certificate to the effect that the handicap is of such a nature as to prevent you from earning your livelihood. You may enclose copies of the Govt. Orders with your application. I am enclosing herewith the PDF file.
2. After obtaining the certificate your father should visit his Office and file a list of eligible children for family pension including you as a eligible person along with a copy of the certificate. An acknowledged of the same should be issued by the Pension Sanctioning Authority.
3. After death of your parents, you should file an application to the Pension Sanctioning Authority with a fresh Medical Certificate to the effect that you still suffer from the disability and the handicap is of such a nature as to prevent you from earning your livelihood.
Thank you so much sir..thank you…i will do all the needful… i may require you farther assistance…GOD bless…take care