Re: Fixation of Pay
1) Date of appointment to the Scale No. 16 PB-4A Rs. 15,600-42,000/- GP 5400/- (Revised)
2) Date of Completion 8 years satisfactory service : 10.10.2011
3) Date of movement to 1st higher Scale No. 17 of PB-4B, Rs. 15,600 – 42,000/- GP Rs. 6,600/- = 10.10.2011
4) Presently he is drawing PB in PB-4 Rs. 21,470/-, GP.Rs. 5400, DA Rs. 13,972, HRA 4,031/-
Pay fixation in new GP 6600 w.e.f. 11.10.2011:
New pay in PB-4B = 21470 + increment @3% on (21470+5400) = 21470+810 = 22280
New pay after fixation = Pay 22280 with GP 6600 w.e.f. 11.10.2011.