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Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Kindly go through the following link and think what kind of harassment I am getting. https://wbxpress.com/topic/step-son-of-the-govt-not-getting-salary/ kindly make comment.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Yes, I watch your problem, this is really unexpected; but I just help you by giving a reference in our School, if need I can give you his name and ph. no., so that you may directly contact with him. Your case is not complex as complex it was done.
With Regards…
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Thanks a lot for your patience to read my large posts. All relating to our teaching circle are understanding it but who is entitled to solve this problems is creating problems here.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Thanks, everybody wants to give right answer here as far as his/her knowledge.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Dear Mr Dawn,
Please note that in your post you have written that the date of joining in second school is 10-10-2007 again you have written that the person given his option for ROPA on 01-01-2006 at his second place of service school!! How it can be possible?
Please note it for any rectification needed.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Yes, which I write is right and practical, if there is any mistake then the mistake was done by all related persons (AT, HM, DI etc) in that matter. Since you have noted me, I must tell him the matter.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
What would be the date of option in this case? Is it any date after 10.10.07?
And from 2nd school.
Or date of option 01.01.06 from 1st school. Kindly post your views in details .
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
I also failed to get the G.O. 6213-F dated 22.06.1990. I think it was issued from Govt. of WB, Finance Deptt., Audit Branch and not from Education Deptt. But, I can’t understand why Mr. Bhunia is fanatically searching the G.O.!
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
@ donyi_polo,
You already know my case. from the famous book (in teachers’ circle) “MUSKIL ASAN” by renowned Pashupati Ghosh I came to know that exercising of option under ropa-09 by me is right. In “MUSKIL ASAN” It is said that once an LPC is issued to an employee, thereafter the employee could not get nothing from there vide G.O–6213-F dated. 22.06.1990 . My friends who are working in different district of WB have exercised the said option just like me. The finance officer attached to the DI office said that exercising of option under ropa-09 by me is right. So, I am in confusion. That is the fanatic cause. If change of officer makes the rule to change, then I think, it is a serious problem. With regards.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
@ donyi_polo,
You already know my case. from the famous book (in teachers’ circle) “MUSKIL ASAN” by renowned Pashupati Ghosh I came to know that exercising of option under ropa-09 by me is right. ………..The finance officer attached to the DI office said that exercising of option under ropa-09 by me is right. So, I am in confusion.
Dear friend,
Since “Muskil Asan’ and F.O. of DI office are in your favour then you need not be worried much! Your case is now with DSE as you said earlier. Wait and see what happens in future! You may submit a reminder to D.I. office if it is already late by 3 months since the date of submission of your representation!
………In “MUSKIL ASAN” It is said that once an LPC is issued to an employee, thereafter the employee could not get nothing from there vide G.O–6213-F dated. 22.06.1990 ……
From my personal experience I can tell you that it’s NOT ALWAYS true! It depends on some ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ i.e. situation! Everything is guided by the merit of the case. Until and unless the Service Book is transferred the old office has to take some responsibilities for fixation of pay if necessary. LPC only shows the pay & allowances, deductions etc. which an employee draws on the last day of his service in that office. LPC once issued from an office shall not be re-issued in subsequent stage because it is LAST pay certificate. But, it does not necessarily mean that there is no further work left with previous office after supply of LPC. If required pay may be fixed by previous office till it retains the Service Book even after transfer of the employee and supply of LPC.
Pls go through my post dated 22 Aug. once again, regarding fixation of pay in old office after supply of LPC and before transfer of Service Book:
With regards.