Hi members,
we the teachers of govt. Aided schools are step-son of the govt. In every step of our service life starting from approval of appointment to getting pension. Here if D.D.O does any mistake, the incumbent teacher has to bear the burnt. The wrong-doer (who is entitled to do or guide in this regard ) are never punished. I don’t know whether employees of other department have to face this type of problem or not.
With regards.
Re: Step-son of the Govt.
…….Whenever our salary get stopped due to joining another school (either through SSC Exam. Or mutual transfer) or retirement , the govt. Seek different papers but not before. ………
May I request you to elaborate the point.
Re: Step-son of the Govt.
You already know my case. For details please click : https://wbxpress.com/topic/pay-refixation-for-ropa-2009/
Till now I am not getting any salary as my appointment in 3rd school yet not been approved by the ADI because I can not submit to the present school the DI’s countersigned copy of LPC from 2nd school.The DI of 2nd school has sent my file to the DSE seeking instruction whether I can exercise my option w.e.f 01.01.06 from 2nd school or my pay would be fixed on the basis of basic pay on material time i.e the date of joining 05.11.08 in 2nd school.
Not getting Salary, Step-son of the Govt.
Dear Mr. T. Banerjee,
As a member of this forum may I request you to give advice in the situation faced by an Asst. Teacher who is in distress for not getting salary after joining the third school through SSC selection. Pls. go through all the posts from the following links and make comments. You are a HM of an aided school in North 24 Pgs. and hence, you may have different outlooks. What’s the way out in the crux of this situation?
With regards.
Re: Step-son of the Govt.
Your case has been referred to a HM (also a member of this forum) who is a very knowledgeable person in the field of rules & regulations of aided schools. Let’s wait for his advice!
Not getting Salary, Step-son of the Govt.
T Banerjee Sir,
It’s an interesting case! I am also anxiously waiting for your reply!
With regards.
Re: Malay Bhunia
Dear Dr. Majumdar,
Thanks for providing the details in gist. I have gone through the details of Shri Malay Bhunia. So far as I understand ROPA’09, I am bound to say that the matter has been complicated by DI of the 2nd school.
Since, the incumbent was in service on 01.01.2006 (whichever school it may be), it is very clear that he has the right to exercise his option as per ROPA’09. Now the question is:
Where will he exercise his option, the 1st school or the 2nd school?
H.M. of which school will sign his option paper? He was in 1st school on 1.1.06 & not in 1st school during exercising option.
A very crucial case!
I think, if the 1st school has handed over the service book with all correct entries as per ROPA-98, countersigned by the relevant D.I. to the 2nd school, then the 2nd school has acted correctly by giving Shri Bhunia the opportunity to exercise his option, as per the entries shown in the service book from 01.01.2006, as per ROPA’09.
Was the option exercised, countersigned by the then D.I. of Schools of the district?
If his option has been exercised & disbursement of salary started as per ROPA’09, how can it be stopped now?
I could not understand why the matter has been referred to DSE, when it is clear that the incumbent was in service on 1.1.2006? This is a case of fresh selection with continuation of service in the same post and thus Explanation-II of Rule 5 of ROPA’2009 is not applicable here. If his pay be fixed from 05.11.2008 the incumbent will lose financially. Further, I think, this is not a case to be dealt under the purview of “pay-protection”. The DI is wrong in saying that pay can’t be re-fixed in the 2nd school under ROPA’2009.
Since the matter has already been referred to DSE, I would eagerly wait to know their decision.
I understand the pain and mental agony of not receiving any salary after so many years of service. But the situation has to be borne.
Wish you and your family a happy asthami.
Re: Not getting Salary, Step-son of the Govt.
Thanks a lot sir for your valuable comments which boost my mentality to struggle against this kind of injustice. When ROPA-09 was published, the service book with all entries according to ROPA-98 and counter signed by the A D I (as 1st and 2nd school under same DI but under different ADI ) was in 2nd school. In the mean time, I have consulted many renowned H.Ms,A.Is, clercks who are expert in this field and even ex-DSE
Official. They are saying the same just like you but the THE DI who is the signatory here is either not understanding or unable to understand the matter. The most important thing is that who is entitled with the power to solve the various confusions/ disputes, he is either creating the disputes or himself confused here.
The THE DI did not stopped the salary . I have joined the 3rd school in another district on 11.07.12 through mutual transfer. That is why I submitted my LPC with other papers to the DI for his counter signature. With thanks.
Re: Not getting Salary, Step-son of the Govt.
Dear Bhunia,
The DI by not countersigning the LPC, is by anyway the reason for you not getting the salary. Your salary in the 3rd school will only start after your approval, which you will only get after you submit LPC from previous school.
Re: Not getting Salary, Step-son of the Govt.
@ Tirthankarbabu,
Thanks a lot. You are absolutely right. As the DI’s counter signed LPC is not submitted to the 3rd school,it is not possible to get approval and hence salary.As far as I know, to get DSE’s reply is a time Taking matter.Hence, Sir, is it possible any way to get approval without the said LPC? With thanks.