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Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
@ donyi_polo ,
I think you remember that at the time of exercising of option my s/book was in 2nd school. In the s/book there was sufficient data to fix my pay in the revised pay structure. More over the DI is not considering the opinion of the F.O.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Yes, I can remember. You exercised option while in service in 2nd school and that school fixed your pay. The matter is now in the hand of DSE (as you said earlier). Now DSE is the authority to take decision in your case. So, neither D.I. nor F.O. has any immediate role. Whatever decision is taken by DSE that is binding upon D.I. for execution.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Dear Mr Dawn,
Please note that in your post you have written that the date of joining in second school is 10-10-2007 again you have written that the person given his option for ROPA on 01-01-2006 at his second place of service school!! How it can be possible?
Please note it for any rectification needed.
1st joining: 27/09/2002
2nd joining: 10/10/2007
Date of option: 01/01/2006 from 2nd School.
as I said earlier
please tell me where the rectification was needed? So that I can guide him,
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Sorry Mr Dawn,
The data already supplied by Malay babu and you can find my reply in this regards where I have admitted that all the steps Malay babu had already been taken there is nothing wrong.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Ok, that means the teacher whose,
“1st joining: 27/09/2002
2nd joining: 10/10/2007
Date of option: 01/01/2006 from 2nd School”
is also correct, thanks.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Dear Ram Prasadbabu,
It’s always correct. Option must be exercised in that office (school) where the employee is in service at that point of time. Strictly speaking, the teacher is not at all required to exercise option for drawal of pay in revised structures in terms of Explanation-II of rule 5 of ROPA,2009 if such teacher changes job from one school to another after 01.01.2006. He is bound to take pay in revised structure. Anyway, if he submits option form unknowingly, it will be rendered invalid.
I explained it in my post dated 23 Oct., available from the following link:
With regards.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
A cold thanks to Mr. Majumdar
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
Hi! Members,
If this G.O was issued from Govt. of WB, Finance Deptt., Audit Branch and not from Education Deptt., then also kindly post it. Or kindly advise from where I could get it. Thanks.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
I have yet not found this G.O in manual also not by google search.
Re: G.O-6213-F Dt. 22.06.90 Exercising option of ROPA
@ Torkona, thanks for your efforts.