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Does any one have the GO NO 1022-SE(S) dated 2-9-11/15-9-11 Payment ( PAY & ALLOWANCES) ? Please give me the link .Its urgent. Thanks in advance.
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I like to request @ BIKU to post the G.O. here.
I also need the govt order regarding deputed teacher’s salary. But I am not sure about the order no “1022-SE(S)”
Please see Salary payment through his School to Deputed Teachers under the label Training at http://bikaspriya.blogspot.in/
Sorry for not providing you the direct link as i could not upload this order at 4shared.com
As it has asked me to switch over to Premium version.
Will you please name some other FREE sites where i can upload file.
Thanks a lot for your kind help .Please feel free to upload your files here. Its totally free and shareable.
Here is the text version of the said order:
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Secondary Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Salk Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091
No. 1022-SE(S)/2P-1/09, Date: 02.09.2011/15.09.2011
From: Shri Vikram Sen, IAS
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The Director of School Education, West Bengal
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata.
Subject: Modification of Order No. 490-SE(S) dt. 11.05.2009.
In continuation of this Department’s Order No. 490-SE(S) dt. 11.05.2009, it is ordered that the in-service untrained Assistant Teachers of the Recognized Aided Non-Government Educational Institutes shall got the same facility, viz. the same mode of Payment of Pay and allowances, i.e. entire payment to be made by the concerned School Authority only, as admissible to them for undergoing the training of Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) or its equivalent in the Recognized Government, Govt.-Aided and Govt. Sponsored Teachers’ Training Colleges and the Universities (Recognized by U.G.C) imparting Teachers’ Training on production of a monthly certificate from the Head of the Training Institution concerned to the affect that the deputed teacher is undergoing the said training programme regularly.
All other terms and conditions as laid down in the aforesaid G.O. will remain unchanged.
By order of the Governor
School Education Department.
Thanks Biku & WBXPRESS