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An H.M ,being a frantic personality wants to create terror in the school. He has the facility of being local and as the son of a local party leader. Even most of the MC members like secretary and president follows him for some unknown reason.
The teacher takes 5-6 classes everyday except Saturday as there are presently only14 fulltime teachers for 15 units(including newly upgraded H.S).Part-time teachers are there for only schedule days. They are not provided the provisional classes. But the HM always suspects the teachers are ‘lazy & duty less persons to come to school to draw there their salary only’ and he continues to propagate the motif among the students and the guardians .The students don’t believe him and they comment against him, but fear to express their views as he is rude enough to the students and guardians of opposite political parties(he belongs to the ruling party of the area). The HM even tries to humiliate teachers into their class rooms entering without any formality and questioning openly about their teaching ability. Openly and intentionally he howls various offending remarks and when one day a teacher protested, he assaulted even physically holding his shirt collar.
The MC took responsibility to solve the matter but delays still(it was the event of 07/08/2012) In the meantime 12 teachers(one fears for his recent retirement, and another publicly critiques but acts as an informer) unitedly resoluted and informed the MC formally; though they delays still.
A few days ago on 14/09/2012 he called a guardian meeting without any discussion with /invitation /intimation to the teachers . The teachers decided not to attend the meeting. He made the guardians to move against the teachers. Most of them were of his PARTY. But they were innocent as when they were misguided, incited and moved against the teachers, they were moved to thrust into the classroom with a lot of questions as quotes which the HM use to utters. The teachers answers all the questions and they were satisfied. When the teacher asked them to enquire the HM’s responsibility-[his no of classes(now total 5 in the weekly routine),insulting behaviour to the students ,teachers, &some guardians-as mentioned by the teachers],the HM remained silent. The guardians concluded to consider the HM as he is a ‘slightly cracked’.
Now he is seen arrogantly rushing to the students, commenting as soliloquies to threaten the teachers: like’ wait and see what happen’, ‘I know who is behind all, I’ll treat him at the risk of my life ‘&c. The situation is deteriorating fast.
Oh no!
Dori dhore maaro taan! Raja hobe khan khan!!
No doubt, it is a painful experience in your life. Empty vessel sounds much. Most of the autocratic does in such manner to hide his ignorance. Dear sir, don’t worry. Such autocratic person does not know about his power and ability. Please follow the two column of Board’s notification No.S/18 dated 14/01/2005. It will help you.
**22) Maintenance of respectful environment -(1) Every teacher and non-teaching staff shall endeavour to attain and maintain a mutually respectful atmosphere in and outside the institution with respect to one another and also with the members of the Managing Committee.
(2)Every teacher and non-teaching staff shall endeavour to attain and maintain a mutually respectful relation with students.
(3)No teacher and non-teaching staff shall indulge in any activity, which may cause disaffection amongst the teacher,non-teaching staff and students on the basis of religion, caste,gender,community,profession etc.
(4)No teacher and non-teaching staff shall induce or influence any colleague or a student to participate, directly or indirectly ,in violent,hateful, secessionist,terrorist or communal activity,
***24) Every teacher or non-teaching has right to submit his appeal /petitions to higher authorities to express grievances . Every teacher or non-teaching staff shall submit any petition to the Head of the Institution first and his request mentioned in such petition is not redressed within a reasonable time, it may be brought to the knowledge of the appointing authority or to the concerned higher authority.
dear mihirbabu,
thanks for the suggestion.but its a matter that we, teachers ,can’t open mouth until it affects me.atleast i have experienced it in the school.everybody says against him but when it comes to take a step of documentation(it was called to convene staff meeting except the HM,one who firstly showed opposition strongly,eschews as no meeting should be valid except the HM ),most eschew to move front.one/two moved before,are continually threatening as the targets.this hurts.
I can not say- “Jadi tor dak sune keu na aase tabe ekla cholore”.I have no speech to show my consolation. For your safety you make a G.D.,or go through proper channel with received copy.
May god bless you.
সকলের উদ্দেশ্যে আমার কয়েকটি প্রশ্ন আছে, এবিষয়ে আপনাদের মতপ্রকাশ আহ্বান করছি।
আচ্ছা বলুন তো পাশের বাড়িতে দুষ্টুদের ছোড়া ঢিল যতক্ষণ না আমার বাড়ির চালে পরছে, তার আগেই কোনরকম প্রতিবাদ আমরা ক’জন করি?
ক’জন ঘরের খেয়ে বনের মোষ তারাই?
কারন আমরা সবাই নিঃঝঞ্জাট জীবন ভালোবাসি। যার ফলশ্রুতি রবিবাবু দের মত ব্যক্তিদের হেনস্তা দিনদিন বেড়ে চলা।
আচ্ছা @রবিবাবু ভেবে দেখুন তো আপনার ক’জন সহকর্মী আপনার সহযোদ্ধা? সুবিধাবাদী / বিভীষণ রা চিরদিন ছিল, আছে, থাকবে – ওরা অমর কৃষি। আমার ব্যক্তিগত অভিঞ্জতা কিন্তু বলে সহমর্মিতা দেখানোর লোক অনেক পাবেন কিন্তু সবাই বলবে “আমরা তোমার পিছনে আছি – তুমি এগিয়ে যাও” – অর্থাৎ তুমি ক্ষুদিরাম হও, তোমার পাশে আমরা নেই, আমরা সুধু স্বাধীনতা-টাই ভোগ করব।
নিজ অভিঞ্জতা থেকে বলি – ৯৭ জন মিলে individual “Application for the implementation of Government Order” জমা করেছিলাম যার ফলশ্রুতি ১৮৮ দিন সাসপেন্ড থেকে ৩ টি increment খুইয়ে ২৩৫ কিমি দূরে বদলি হয়েছি, প্রশাসনের কুদৃষ্টিতে পড়ে – কারন প্রথম আবেদনপত্রটি ছিল আমার। আমার অজ্ঞানতার মধ্যে রেখে আমার সহকর্মী আমার আবেদনপত্রটি সবার উপরে রেখেছিলেন।
তাই বলছি রবিবাবু, যদি All out এ লড়তে পারেন তবেই লড়বেন এবং একেলাই লড়বেন। কাউকেই পাশে পাওয়ার আশা বৃথা। এই ফোরাম থেকে আমরা হয়তো আপনাকে বিভিন্ন রাস্তা দেখাব কিন্তু সঠিক রাস্তা আপনাকেই বেছে নিতে হবে। সব থেকে ভালো হয় যদি ২-১ জন সহযোদ্ধা আপনার কর্মস্থল থেকে পেয়ে যান তবেই।
অনেক আজেবাজে কথা লিখলাম – হয়তো ফোরামের রুলও ভঙ্গ করলাম। ক্ষমা করে দেবেন।
The fact described by Mr. Rabi is very unfortunate! But, what a poor teacher can do when the H.M. being the Head of the Institution holds the shirt collar of a teacher in front of the students! Empowered by the fortune of being a son of local political leader of ruling party, H.M. has shown naked arrogance. Now, if the teachers submit allegations against the H.M. to the same H.M. (Head of Institution) that should not be stand because of political hegemony on the M.C. also. Situation would become worse. I agree with Mihirbabu who has suggested to lodge coplaint in local P.S. on the ground of physical assault. Why a mere G.D. – why not FIR?
Map korben. Thik clear holo na ki bolte chailen. Ektu kholsha korben doya kore.