Teachers are working different educational institutions. Either Primary or Secondary or others.Due to unavoidable circumstances like as sudden illness during school hour, any accident of their family members, any social festival etc.
Half C.L. is very essential at that time. there is no Provision for the teachers like as Govt. employees.I think if our Hon’ble Govt./ Concern Department consider it sympathetically we shall be oblige.do you think my forum’s friends it is necessary or not ?
Its not also applicable for Judicial Department and I of course think its very necessary.
@ Mr. Pal, You are absolutely right. It should be implemented for teachers also. Because, a teacher may have some urgent private work which does not require a full day’s Casual leave.
@ Som, For West Bengal Govt. Employees, this can be availed, there should not be any problem. Because, it is absolutely legal as per WBSR (Appendix 10). A Half day Casual Leave may be availed by an employee either in forenoon session or in afternoon session. The dividing line is 1:45 PM, however in offices which follow different office hours the dividing line should suitably be adjusted by the respective Head of Office.
Note: Half CL can not be taken to adjust late arrival or early departure. It can only be taken for some urgent private affairs.
Partner. I know the fact that Half Day Casual Leave is legal to the West Bengal Govt Employees but Judicial Department is out of that. I shall try to show you the relivant rules.
Should it be applicable to Police Service also which is most essential for protection of people! I think Govt has not introduced such leave yet for those department for some professional reasons!
I Can’t understand why not possible to implement Half C.L.in our Education Department? If create an unavoidable circumstances, they compelled to go though it is illegal because there is no legal way to go out side the school at the time of their emergency.That’s why this appeal should be considerable I think.
It is very essential for teachers. I can not understand that in every aspect half C,L., P.L., CCL all are only for govt employees. why not for us?
it is also essential for police personnel who are used for security of ALL OTHER PROFESSIONALS during Puja! agreed!
Dear friend,
I agree with you. I think it is essential for all employees .
We are the female teachers. some time we face various type of unavoidable problems. Please come, jointly we pray to our Hon’ble Govt. for consider the matter.
thanking all the members.