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Governor is pleased to declare 15th November’ 2013, Friday as public holiday on account of Muharram under section 25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 in place of 14th November’ 2013, Thursday. https://wbxpress.com/holiday-muharram-west-bengal/
14 nov sisudibas chuti thakbe ki?
westbengal primary school ki 15 tarikh chuti dibe?
pls let me know on which day govt primary will remain close?
in our school exam is going on following 14th as mohhurram. Is it must to shift the hollyday
Public holiday(15th nov.) Hodpital OPD CHUTI?
Is this holiday is extra holiday (15) in school. I heared this holiday did not count as holiday. Is this true.
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