Since, no leave can be claimed as a matter of right, so you have to inform before taking any leave. If you unable to inform due to an unavoidable circumstance, then after joining you should inform the authority as soon as possible.
Otherwise, the leave taken may be without pay (maximum).
@”Torkona”Since, no leave can be claimed as a matter of right, so you have to inform before taking any leave.’
well..but what about ‘casual leave’?is there any prior permission needed?
In the said rule-
The authority granting Casual Leave should ensure as far as possible that public service does not suffer in any way.
What does it imply?
“CL may be denied by the authority” and “prior permission is not mandatory.”
This two lines contradicts each other. If prior permission is not mandatory for C.L then there is no question of deny the C.L.
In W.B S.R – “The authority granting Casual Leave should ensure as far as possible that public service does not suffer in any way.”
Since there is a word of granting Casual Leave, so C.L must be taken by prior permission as fer as I understand the rule.
In Schooling system, C.L must be taken by prior permission.
@ Torkona: I searched WBSR today but could not find any rules where prior permission is mandated. It may be mandatory in Schools but in State Govt. Offices it is not mandatory. Both the systems- prior application / post application is practiced in State Govt. Offices. However, your derivation is appreciable and seems logical.