I was persuing B.Ed and almost completed the course only the examination were left before joining as a/t in hs section at additional post. My joining date is 08/07/2011. The 08 days of exam, were between 12/07/2011 to 30/07/2011, are permitted by MC and considered as Leave Without Pay. I attend the school on non-exam days. Now the MC suggesting me to apply for those days for sanctioning Leave WITH PAY. My quaries are
1)How to fill the service book in nature of leave column at Without Pay?
2)In service will it fill by from 08/07/2011 to 15/07/2012; 16/07/2012 to 15/07/2013 &so on at Without Pay?
3)Will 10 years benefit on 17/07/2021?
4)But if it santioned by DSE as Leave With Pay, in which way could I change above 2 column which were already written?
5)When will the 10 years benefit Leave are sanctioned as With Pay?