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Dear friends,
BIKU’s point of view is appreciate-able but I can’t understand why
But this G.O. could not be received by all schools
! If our govt. is so keen to observe the day why the circular was not circulated early enough. I think the 8th May didn’t come before-time.
Som wrote
From my point of view, the so called holidays for observing this kind of days should be stopped. Better to declare it some observing day.
most unfortunately in our country Red letter days are observed by holidays.It’s a demand too. So people may think it’s a dishonor to work on that day. Rather some compensatory leave may be arranged officially for that purpose. I think these days are declared holiday so that people can attend various program. So no one should be compelled to attend institution on that day if these cause is shown by him. So arrangement/ facilities should be there so that one feel to pay homage at the institution itself. Yes my proposal may seem awkward but let’s not be hypocrite. We are entitled to get 65 holidays and if we have to be present on holidays too what the meaning remains of 65 days holiday? Compensatory leave is also allowed in leave rule. Is not it my friends?
Order like observation from 1st May to 7th May without compensatory leave is ambitious because there are two holidays.Again if Order is read as the program should be after school ti.e. at noon , will the little children feel it cultural. Would Rabindranath himself would be happy as a child or a lover of a child?
In the present system the cage is being decorated too well(that is welcomed) but is any body really thinking from the Parrot’s point of view?
@b roy:
52000 schools have no mailid
Nor have fax
nor have net connection
nor have person having access to net
the govt has no HUGE money to spend on deputing special messenger
Postal system has also some limitations…
Thanks you Biku for sharing the information. actually my point was that the govt. should took decision much earlier.Besides, sms is also a valid way logically and legally… however many urgent news are communicated through news paper advertisement… Again I am a primary teacher from bankura district which is has been declared to be a pioneer of e-governance in our state yet many schools get many news – and hardly any circular at school – after a long time and even after the program already starts though there are SIKSHABANDHUS who are suppose to communicate any news from si office. And you may also argue whether we, the teachers, waited for the circular to enjoy a holiday when unfortunately ex- chief minister died or holiday was declared through media by honorable CM? my point is not to criticize the govt. only or to blame the teachers alone but I’m really fade up with the things going on in our society and especially in the field of education.And in no way i ‘m denying my responsibility in it too.
thanks everyone for your valuable opinions!
Aided/ Sponsored schools being non-govt. organisations are NOT under any obligation to remain closed on any of the holidays declared by the State Govt. under NI Act – be it declared before commencement of the year or in the currency of the year. In other words, such schools have every right to prepare & approve their OWN holiday list as per the Model List of the Board. State Govt. does NOT forward copy of its holiday list to the schools as it is not meant for them. However, if the copy of the Notification or G.O. is forwarded to the Director of School Education or D.I.(SE) /(P) for compliance with the Govt. decision in schools then schools shall compulsorily declare these days as holidays. This is the official procedure of following an instruction or order.
“Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 10972‐F(P) Kolkata, the 7th December, 2011.
In exercise of the power conferred by the explanation to Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (XXVI of 1881), read with Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification No. 20/25/56‐Pub(I) dated the 8th June, 1957 the Governor is pleased to declare the following days to be public holidays during the year 2012.
No. 10972/1(500)‐F(P) Kolkata, the 7th December, 2011.
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :
1. The Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata‐1.
2. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office‐I, 81/2/2, Phears Lane, Kol‐12.
3. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office‐II, P‐1, Hyde Lane, Jawahar
Buildings, Kolkata‐700 073.
4. The Accounts Officer, West Bengal Secretariat, Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata‐700 001.
5. The Accounts Officer, West Bengal Secretariat, Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata‐700 0091.
6. The District Magistrate/Judge,___________________________________________________
7. The Sub-Divisional Officer,______________________________________________________
8. The Treasury Officer, __________________________________________________________
9. The ________________________________________________________________________
10. The Commissioner, ___________________________________________________________
11. The Superintendent of Police, ___________________________________________________
12. The Principal, Industrial Training Institute, _________________________________________
13. The Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer, ___________________________________
14. All Chamber of Commerce _____________________________________________________
15. All Group, Cell, Branch ________________________________________________________
16. All State Government _________________________________________________________
17. It is requested that this Memo. may be circulated to all offices under their control.
Assistant Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal”
It is quite obvious that when the teachers are required to be present in the schools for attending/ organising cultural programmes unlike Govt. employees how can they enjoy that day in home or elsewhere without official works! So, schools may exchange these days with some other holidays, especially in continuation of Summer/Puja/Winter (Christmas) vacations or with any local festival etc.
Friends, I am a little confused about the matter. However, if there would have any scope for compensatory leave for attending school on that day (nation holidays like 15th Aug) then observation of the day(with declaring holiday as well as with flag hosting etc) and enjoyment of total no of holiday could go simultaneously. Because being Indian we must want to attend the program but getting holiday is also a matter for many. In that way we need not close school for a day. (So, the day may be listed as holiday but attendance is must for the teachers but for that they will get one day compensatory leave with out disturbing the normal activity of the day)
School may not be officially closed on the National Holidays which can be exchanged with other days in the interest of the teachers/ students. Pls see the thread.
Because being Indian we must want to attend the program but getting holiday is also a matter for many. In that way we need not close school for a day.
You have to decide how do you want to enjoy the day – whether as an Indian or as a Bharatiya! The Indians WATCH it in TV sets in their drawing rooms, with families when the Bharatiyas OBSERVE it with all in the ground!