Dear friends,
Hundreds of Primary Teacher are facing a great problem regarding Income Tax payment for the A.Y. 2011-â12( F.Y. 2010-â11) in deferent Circle Under Bankura D.P.S.C. Those teachers have submitted their I.T. statements and I.Tax has been deducted from their salary bill for the month of February 2011.They have taken their T.D.S. Certificate in Form- 16.from concern S.I/S. They also submitted Their I.T.R- 1 within due date.
But unfortunately those T.D.S. amount have not credit to Central Govt. account by name till now. As a result I.T.O. has served notice and advised to those teachers to deposit the amount with intt. within 30 days.
Now my question, why those honorable Pry.teachers are suffering this I. Tax fever??
Hi dear friend. Welcome again. Was missing you a lot. I think we already discussed the matter in the link below.
Problem regarding I.Tax for Primary Teachers, Bankura.
However, I think you should not pay the penalty or excess amount. Just inform the matter with supportive documents to the I.T.O.
Dear friend,
I wrote previously regarding this matter for the Assessment year 2010-’11. It has happens again for the A. Y. 2011-’12. we all ready discuss about the matter thoroughly but this tradition is very painful near us.that is why I have written again.Thanks for quick replay. with regards.
@ A.B.Pal: It’s really worrying. I’ve not much idea about I.T. as I am yet to cross the annual income ceiling for I.T. But I am as much worried as you. There are many other matters (which may not be confound to only one district) that need initiative from the end of the teachers. But I don not know the way. However, I’m ready to join if anybody feel the same like me to draw the attention of the authority irrespective of any political name at every possible way for the betterment of education and the interest of teachers. May be I am off topic but I’m serious.
Every teacher in whose name notice is served, may reply to the ITO, that, their employer have already deducted income tax u/s 191. The proof of the same (Form 16) is to be attached.
I hope ITO will be satisfied; and serve a notice to the Sub-Inspector of School who is personally responsible for deduction and deposit of the income tax to the central govt. account.
No worry from teachers end after that.
In addition to nemo & som’s suggession a letter may be sent to the ITO(copy may be forwarded to the chairman of the DPSC and S.I. of schools) stating the fact and harassment of the teachers in two consecutive years to get better result this year. This may be done individually or collectively. Better to do collectively to avoid possible bad reaction from higher authority.