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Next date of increment due to pay fixation in higher scale of pay prior to ROPA-09 i.e. 01/01/06 vide GO No. 304(6)- Edn dt. 21/01/83
The G.O. you requested should be No. 304(6)- Edn dt. 21/07/83.
Government of West Bengal
Education Department
Budget Branch
No. 304(6) – Edn 1M – 1 /82, Dated, the 21st June, 1983
From: Shri M.M. Sinha Roy, I.A.S., Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The (1) Director of Public Instruction, West Bengal, (2) Director of Technical Education, West Bengal, (3) Director of Secondary Education, West Bengal, (4) Director of Primary Education, West Bengal, (5) Director of Adult Education, West Bengal, (6) Director of Library Services, West Bengal.
Sub: Fixation of Pay of the Teaching and Non-Teaching Employees of Educational Institutions in the revised scale of Pay.
In continuation the Education Department G.O. No. 492(6)-Edn dated 26.10.81 the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say that the Governor is pleased to direct that:
(a) With effect from 1.4.81and until further orders, all whole time employees (both teaching and non-teaching) of the Aided/sponsored Educational Institution including the staffs of sponsored/aided Libraries and District School Board situated in the Hill Station of Darjeeling district, i.e. in the Sub-Division of Kurseong and Kalimpong of the district, drawing pay up to Rs. 1250/-, shall draw, winter allowance at the uniform rate of Rs. 300/- per annum.
(b) The teaching and non-teaching staff of the aided/sponsored/Non-Govt. Educational Institutions shall be allowed to draw Hill Compensatory Allowance at the existing rate even after they opt to come under the revised scales of pay.
(c) Pay of teachers of Non-Govt./Sponsored/Aided Educational Institutions who will enjoy a lift in scales for their improved educational qualifications shall be fixed in the following manner:
(i) If the existing pay is lower than the minimum of the higher scale, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the higher scale.
(ii) If the pay in the lower scale exactly fits in a stage of the higher scale, the pay shall be fixed there and the date of next increment will remain unchanged.
(iii) If the pay in the lower scale does not fit in at any stage of the higher scale, the pay shall be fixed at the next higher stage of the higher scale and the date of next increment will remain unchanged.
(d) Lift in the scale for acquiring improved qualification and grant of higher scale of pay on the basis of experience /length of service shall not be treated as promotion for the purpose of fixation of paying in the revised scale of pay or for the purpose of appointment in the higher scale of pay on completion of 18 years continuous service counting from the date of first entering into service.
This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group J/ 555 dated 20.6.83.
All concerned have been informed.
Sd/- M. Sinha Roy
Deputy Secretary