An Executive Engineer with CAS at scale 18 got promotion to the functional post of Suptd. Engg at scale 18 on 01-03-2017 as per ropa 2009 PB-4B, GP 6700
The Suptd. Engg got non-functional Scale movement for 25 yrs service to scale No. 19 on 16-03-2017, as per ropa 2009 PB-5, GP 7800
The Suptd. Engg opted for pay fixation both for Suptd. Engg & non-functional Scale movement for 25 yrs w.e.f. 01-07-2017 after getting annual increment.
Most benefiting pay fixation will be if annual increment is given first, then increment for non-functional Scale movement for 25 yrs is given and basic pay is fixed with GP 7800, then increment for Suptd. Engg (of higher responsibility) post is given.
will be right ?
My opinion : in terms of Rule -11 of WBS(ROPA) Rules 2009 read with clarification vide F.D’s Memorandum No.2728-F Dated 07-04-2009., the pay for the Suptd. Engg (of higher responsibility) is to fixed first ,then pay for the non-functional Scale movement for 25 yrs is be fixed. joining date to Suptd. Engg post is earlier than the date of non-functional Scale movement for 25 yrs . my draft as per my opinion is enclosed herewith as attachment
Please opine, if i am not correct , whether the employee is to change option.