Jyotirmay Chakrabarti
Sir ,
I would like to request you to know that one Sankar Kumar Dutta was passed in the exam of Gram Sevak post for the District -North 24 Parganas and exam was conducted then in the year 1986 , a panel was also published and there his name was empanneled but due to court csae the said panel was stayed , now one thing is that the said pannel was approved in the year 2001 after the completion of court case and the said Sankar Kumar Dutta was appointed for the postof GRAM SEVAK in Hoogly District , at Singur on 08-08-2001 and he was retired from service on 31-05-2011 , his length of service is 9 years 9 month 23 days . His has applied for benit of 10 yrs. service to get pension . I want to know from you whether he is entitled to get the benifit of pension or not .
Thanking you ,
yours faithfully ,
J. Chakrabarti