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Sir , My grandpa (maternal) was a pry teacher. He got pension after retirement. After his death my grand ma was receiving family pension.She died last week.
Now as my mom is a divorcee, is she eligible for pension?
She has no income at all.
She was completely dependent on them.
As per Memo No. 39-SE /1M-19/07 dated 10.01.2008 of School Education Department, the benefit of family pension shall be extended to the divorced / widowed daughter of teaching and non-teaching staff / pensioner of West Bengal Non-Govt. Recognised Educational Institution even after her attaining the age of 25 years till her remarriage or death. This is however, subject to the condition that the benefit should not be admissible when the daughter has income exceeding Rs. 2600/- per month from employment in Govt., Semi Govt., Statutory Bodies, Corporation, Undertakings, Private Sectors, Self employment etc.
This order issues in accordance with Finance Department Memo No. 620-F(Pen) dated 29.06.2006.
What a quick and perfect reply. Hats off to you man.
Here are two other related orders that are essential for her …
Extension of scope of family pension to Un-married daughters of Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees/Pensioners of Non-Govt. Aided Educational Institutions
G.O. No. : 95(80)-SE /1M-112/2008 dated 13/04/2010
Click here…
http://www.wbsed.gov.in/wbsed/readwrite … 001002.pdf
A guideline for payment of family pension for life to the unmarried/widowed/Divorced daughters of Teachers and Non- Teaching Employees/Pensioners of Non- Government Aided Educational Institutions
96-SE /1M-112/2008 Dated 13.4.2010
Click here…
http://www.wbsed.gov.in/wbsed/readwrite … 001001.pdf
@Biku, Very nice and Thanks for the post.
Welcome dear Som! We should show the complete way to the Family Pensioners to get their legitimate claims!
Thanks everyone ! Now another question raised in my mind. Pls help.
If a primary teacher died on 1999 and his daughter got divorce on 2000.
The mother was getting family pension.Was the divorcee daughter eligible to get pension at the same time?
I want to mean , are the widowed wife and the divorcee daughter of the Primary teacher eligible to get pension together?
give answer early please!
No. Family pension cant be shared. Its applicable to only one person.
Now another problem raised! No service book is found in DPSC of the teacher, they have ordered SIS to prepare a service record and send to DPSC. The SIS is a newly appointed man. He is saying that he has no idea about this matter and delaying. Its one year over, we have submitted all type of proofs like appointent letter, certeficate from relevant schools, ppo,etc, etc. Ps help me!
Atlast DI Birbhum sent the file to DPPG on 14th June 2013. Memo : 483/P dt 14/6/2013.
I went to DPPG, they said there is an OBJECTION and contact DI,BIRBHUM. They gave a memo : P/BIR/0001/1999 RM dt 13/08/2013.
DI said no file came yet. According to DI, DPPG does not send anything, DI representative goes there and bring those files. Someone went there but did not bring any files, because there are so many pending files to bring.
what can I do now? pls help.
Detail :
MEMO: 483/P DT 14/06/2013