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1. DT/O/14/C-07/92(64) dt. 20.01.09 (Admissibility of provisional pension and clarification thereof.)
2. 472-F(Pen) dt. 21.05.09 (Pensionary benefits to the Govt. employees.)
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts
Finance Department
4, Lyons Range, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Kolkata – 700 001
Memo No. DT/O/14/C-07/92(64), Dated: 20.01.2009.
The Treasury Officer,……………………………………………….
Sub: Admissibility of provisional pension and clarification thereof.
Some correspondence were received in connection with sanction and payment of provisional pension from various comer by the Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts, West Bengal. The said reference were subsequently forwarded to the Finance Department, Pension Branch for their valued opinion. Now it has been clarified by the said Department vide their U.O. No. 159-F (Pen) dated. 01.01.2009 which is reproduced below.
“Pension on provisional basis can be sanctioned in terms of G.O. No. 547-F (Pen) dated 12.04.1993 when interim orders have been passed by the Hon’ble High Court or Appeals are pending in Hon’ble High Court. In such cases issuance of P.P.O. by the A.G., W.B. does not arise, although where judicial or departmental proceedings are pending, provisional pension can be sanctioned only on the basis of P.P.O. issued by the A.G., W.B.
Provisional Pension is to be sanctioned by the Head of the Office for a period of 12 months. In no case provisional pension will continue beyond 12 months without concurrence of the Finance Department vide G.O. No. 10000-F dated 13.09.1982. But the Audit Officer (A.G. W.B) should invariably be informed of the position in regard to the grant of provisional pension and gratuity when the pension cases are forwarded to him. No provisional pension and gratuity should be sanction after submission of pension cases to A.G., W.B. (vide G.O. No. 7680-F dated 16.10.1973). Dearness relief is admissible on provisional pension.“
It has also been informed by the Department that the matter of review of order No. 334-F(Pen) dated 29.03.1999 is under their consideration.
This is for information and necessary action for all concern.
Sd/- A.K. Chakraborty
Director of Treasuries & Accounts
West Bengal
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Pension Branch
Writer’s Buildings, Block-IV, 2nd Floor,
Kolkata-700 001.
Memo No. 472-F(Pen) Dated, Kolkata, the 21st May, 2009
In terms of Memo Nos. 7283-F dated 19.09.08, 7544-F dated 29.09.08, 7553-F dated 29.09.08, 7677-F dated 03.10.08, 7678-F dated 03.10.08, 7783-F dated 16.10.08, 9017-F dated 01.12.08, 9018-F dated 01.12.08, 9020-F dated 01.12.08, 9021-F dated 01.12.08, 9315-F dated 10.12.08, 766-F dated 27.01.09, 1722-F dated 24.02.09 and 1723-F dated 24.02.09 scales of pay of some of the posts under different departments have been revised. The revised pay scale shall take effect from 01.01.96 notionally and actual effect will be given from 01.01.2008.
Now the Governor has been pleased to decide that the pensionary benefits in respect of the Government employees holding such posts who retired during the period from 01.01.96 to 31.12.07 and onwards will be as follows”
(i) The employees who retired between the period from 1.1.96 to 31.12.2005.
a. The Government employees holding such posts as mentioned in the above memos, who retired during the period from 01.01.1996 to 31.12.2005 are also entitled to have their pensionary benefits revised notionally on the basis of revised pay fixed notionally in terms of the above mentioned Memos, since they retired prior to 1.1.2008, they shall not get any arrears representing the difference between revised pension and existing pension. They shall continue to draw the existing amount of pension which was fixed without taking into account the benefit of notional fixation of pay upto 31.12.2007. They shall get actual payment of revised pensionary benefits arrived at on the basis of emoluments allowed notionally as a special case for the period from 1.1.2008. The Principal Accountant General will issue authority for payment of revised pensionary benefits oti the basis of certificate of notional emoluments. The Pension Sanctioning Authority will prepare pension papers in those cases as usual on the basis of notional emoluments and submit the same to Principal Accountant General, West Bengal for issue of authority for payment of pensionary benefit at revised rate.
b. In case of the Government employees who are already in receipt of pension, the Pension Sanctioning Authority, will send previous pension papers along with Service Books, Certificate of notional emoluments, revised calculation sheet for further commutation of pension etc. The Principal Account General will authorise payment of pensionary benefits at revised rate accordingly to the pension disbursing officers concerned.
c. The amount of Gratuity, if any, paid earlier according to the rule prevailing at the material time will be adjusted against the revised gratuity calculated on the basis of notional emoluments.
d. The pensioners shall have an option to commute further the amount of pension that has become additionally commutable on account of retrospective revision of Pay/Pension on the basis of aforesaid memos. The revised table of commutation value in terms of Annexure-I of memo no. 201-F (Pen) dated 25.2.2009 shall be used for calculating commutation value of the additional amount of Pension. A time limit of twelve months from the date of issue of this memo shall be allowed to commute further without any medical examination.
e. After so fixation of Pre-2006 basic pension, revision of Pension/Family Pension of these Pre-01.01.2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners shall be done as per Memo No. 200-F(Pen) dated 25.02.2009 and all the provisions of the said memorandum shall be applicable to them.
(ii) The employees who retired or will retire on or after 01.01.2006.
a. In the case of the employees who retired during the period from 01.01.2006 to 31.12.2007 are also entitled to have their pensionary benefits revised notionally on the basis of the revised pay fixed notionally in terms of the memos mentioned at para 1 and thereafter they may be allowed to exercise option to come under the revised pay structure in the WBS(ROPA) Rules. 2009 on the basis of the notional pay in the existing scale. The procedure for revision of pension in terms of the memos mentioned at para 1 shall be the same as has been prescribed at para (i) b.
b. In all the cases the Principal Accountant General will issue authority for payment of revised pension in terms of above memos, with effect from 1.1.2008.
c. Further revision of Pension/Family Pension, Gratuity and Commutation of Pension in case of the retired employees will be guided by F.D. Memo No. 201-F(Pen) dated 25.02.2009.
Sd/- S. K. Chattopadhyay
Special Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
Thanks ADMIN
where is discussion of sanctioning provisional pension
I would be much beholden if you kindly forward me the Memos. regarding Head of the Institution filing his own pension papers and the Assistant Headmaster of the school by default will become the Teacher-in-Charge.
kindly help
Thanking you