Cosa form: data input sheet for cosa: Employee Details-
(Pt.16): Pay Band Pay … whether it will be current pay or the pay at the time of last option?
(Pt.33): Is it applicable for those teachers who were appointed to a previous school before joining his/her present school?
(Pt: 46) : Spouse pay- total basic or basic excluding Grade pay ?
there are some question regarding filling the ‘Teacher/Staff information system’ sheet also, they are…
(pt.25): Date of joining at the present post : suppose a teacher joined the service on 29/03/2006 in one school and further he joined in the same post (A.T) in another school on 11/08/2010, which will be the date in question, 29/3 or 11/08?
(Pt.34): What will be the date of possessing professional qualification(deputed from service), last date of exam or the next date of the last date of exam ?
Please get me the solution, as soon as possible.