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My name is vikas and I am 27 year old ,I have queries regarding the declaration of my professional background. Sir I am working in a PSU(central govt) and earlier I was working in another PSU (central govt),here in the present job I have hide the facts about my earlier job (I was under training and probation),because I have not taken the NOC regarding the application for the present job .Now Before joining this (present )PSU,I have submitted my bond money and received the experience and character certificate from the earlier employer.
Now I am selected in exam conducted by UPSC and I want to show my all of my present and past professional experience ,is it advisable to show both of my present and past job experience as both are Central govt companies .Before taking UPSC exam I have informed my present employer .But I am confused whether I will show my first job experience or hide it .please tell me or advice me what should I do .I am really confused about the future legal actions, if in case I will prove wrong
Dear Vikas, welcome to this forum. Its really hard to suggest you what should you do. Since you have not done any gross misconduct, I think, you should inform all the facts to your present employer and mention the same to UPSC. Please read carefully the following topic. https://wbxpress.com/topic/suppression-of-facts/
Hi som ..it is not possible to inform all these factsto my present employer ,there must be chance of termination.
What i want to ask is …what will happen if will resign from the present job and join UPSC and mention both of my professional backgrounds.
as i will get relieving cetificate and character certificate from the present employer ..but question is what will happen if UPSC will find that i have worked in the previous company without getting the NOC or is there any chance that my previous employer contact UPSC if somebody inform them about my fact
Try to be honest as far as possible. If you till want to hide or suppress your facts, that may be fatal in future. Better try to have a post facto permission from the first employer if possible. Lets see whats our other friends say.
The following are extractions of UPSC guidelines for the applicants:
c) Self attested copies of Certificate(s) in the prescribed proforma from the Head(s) of
Organization(s)/Department(s) for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning
the duration of employment (date, month & year) indicating the basic pay and consolidated pay. The certificate(s) should also mention the nature of duties performed/experience obtained in the post(s) with duration(s). Experience Certificate should be in the prescribed format relevant to the post. Experience certificate not in prescribed proforma but containing all the details as mentioned above would be considered on merits by the Commission.
Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information in filling up the application form. Candidates are also warned that they should in no case correct or alter or otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or its attested/certified copy submitted by them nor should they submit a tampered/fabricated document. If there is any inaccuracy or any discrepancy between two or more such documents or their attested/certified copies, an explanation regarding this discrepancy should be submitted.
A candidate who is or has been declared by the Commission to be guilty of:
a) ……………
b) ………………..
c) …………………….
d) submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with, or
l) attempting to commit or, as the case may be, abetting the Commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses may, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable:
i) to be disqualified by the Commission from selection for which he/she is a candidate, and/or
ii) to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period:-
by the Commission from any examination or selection held by them
by the Central Government from any employment under them, and
iii) if he/she is already in service under Government to disciplinary action under the appropriate rules.
a) All candidates whether in Government service or in Government owned industrial or other similar organizations or in private employment should submit their applications online directly to the Commission. Persons already in Regular Government service, whether in permanent or temporary capacity other than casual/adhoc/daily wages/hourly paid/contract basis are however required to submit a declaration that they have informed in writing to their Head of Office/Department that they have applied for the selection.”
It is clear that suppression of facts is a guilt to the UPSC. Therefore you should disclose to UPSC all of your past experiences acquired in both the PSUs .
Since you are not a Govt. servant, it is not binding upon you to submit a declaration to UPSC that you have informed in writing to their Head of Office/Department that you have applied for the selection. But, if your present office demands, you have to inform your office as per the existing rules of PSU.
Now, since you have to submit an Attestation Form you are bound to declare to UPSC all the details of your previous employments. The person who is liable to certify your identity also bears equal responsibility to declare to UPSC that the particulars furnished by you are correct.
donyi_polo …Sir what i mentioned is that …i have got relieving from both companies after vigilance clearance …but before applying second company i have not taken NOC..now i want to declare both of them ..so my question is it advisable to declare both of them…as i have not guilty of any offence ..and i myself want to declare past experience along with service certificate obtained from both firms…plz suggest me ..what should i do
It is advisable to declare the previous employments in both the PSUs to show your integrity to UPSC. Otherwise, you would commit offence once again. UPSC is very particular in this matter. What have you mentioned about previous employment in the Application Form for UPSC selection? What do you mention in the Attestation Form? UPSC is not bothered with your act that whether or not you have declared to the 2nd (present) PSU your employment in the 1st PSU. It is the matter of concern of your present PSU.
@donyi_polo sir I have mentioned both the PSU present and previous in the UPSC attestation form and there was no question in the application form, we have to mention only whether I am working in Govt organisation and I filled yes at the time of fliing of application form .As I dont want to hide anything from UPSC so I have now mentioned both the PSU ,altough the doubt is whether UPSC will be more concerned towards the subject of NOC in first PSU…or it does not matter to them?
Dear friend,
…………… there was no question in the the application form ,we have to mention only whether i am working in Govt organisation and I filled yes at the time of filling of application form ……………
There are two types of UPSC Application Forms. One is meant for scheduled exams like Civil Service Exam., Indian Forest Service, CDS, NDA, IES, ISS, Geologists’ Exam. etc. conducted on REGULAR basis every year and, the other is for non-scheduled exams and/or Personality Tests (for recruitment of Lecturers, Asst. Profs., Doctors, Directors, other govt. professionals etc.) which are NOT conducted on regular basis. Application Forms for the second case (non-regular recruitment) are available from the Employment News and require filling up of details of previous employments. It is evident that you have applied for some scheduled exam. which does NOT require filling up of details of previous employments in the two page Form which is of objective type. I have experience of filling up of both the types in the event of my UPSC selection on two occasions. Anyway, PSUs are NOT treated as “Govt. Organisations” and their employees are not Govt. employees.
…………… although the doubt is whether UPSC will be more concerned towards the subject of NOC in first PSU……….
I repeat, UPSC never demands NOC from present employer as Application Forms are NOT required to be forwarded through proper channel. Applicants are required to submit Experience Certificates from past/present employers in support of experience, wherever necessary.
NOC is required ONLY from that organisation where the candidate is serving at the time of submission of Application Form or from the organisation which will relieve the candidate on his selection for another appointment. Old organisations have no role. NOC is essential for new organisation which offers appointment and, not required by the UPSC.
Best wishes.