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Dear partners, I think the representative of para-teachers should be in MC to safeguard the interest of para-teacher.
What according to you all?
dear Asdul, I agree that para-teacher representative should be included at MC. but I think for that law should be amended first.
one request my friend, please try to use small letter instead of capitals as it is against forum rule. I myself is trying to correct using capital letter. However thanks a lot for posting at this forum.
Dear partners, I think the representative of para-teachers should be in MC to safeguard the interest of para-teacher.
What according to you all?
I agree with you. It is observed that the Managing Committee / Schools are depriving Para Teachers in many cases due to the insufficient / unclear guidelines regarding the duties, responsibilities, leave rules, attendance etc. Also regarding transfer, I think there is no G.O. In such circumstances representatives of Para Teachers should be in the Committee.
Dear partners, I think the representative of para-teachers should be in MC to safeguard the interest of para-teacher.
What according to you all?
I also agree with our friend asadul. I also think, Lady teacher of Boys or co- ed and others should represent as an M.C. member in near future with their own reserve category.
I agree completely with my friend Asadul. Para-Teachers should have a reprtesentative in the school MC. It is indeed true that in the absence of clear guidelines, many schools are exploiting para teachers by making them take classes beyond class VIII which they are not supposed to. But I have also observed that many para teachers in many schools are really interested in taking classes of higher classes and ask the H.M to allot them higher classes. In many instances, it has been observed that para-teachers are working six days a week insted of 4 days. However, I feel that there are two sides to this coin. The two days of weekly off that para teachers are allotted are to be spent in identifying drop-outs or students with poor attendance and to encourage their guardians to send their wards to school. This is the government order. However, in almost all cases that I have seen, these days are taken to be holidays and spent as such.
I also agree to the proposal of Mr.Pal that the MC of a boys school should have a lady teaching representative if there are lady teachers in that school.
I extend an unconditional apology to all para-teacher friends if I have hurt you in any way. This is purely what I have seen from my personal experience and does not apply to all.