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Who controls the school when there is no existence of M.C. – Administrator or D.D.O.?
How long a school can run without M.C.?
Who is preferred – Administrator or D.D.O.?
What is the difference in role/power of an Administrator and a D.D.O.?
Can an Administrator or a D.D.O. give necessary permission for B.Ed. or higher study when there is no MC?
Administrator or Ad-hoc committee not DDO, when D.I (M.P) thinks that the grants should not pay through M.C for some reason then he’ll admitted a DDO for receive govt. grants and utilized it properly.
Generally 1 year but for special cases it may be extend further 1 year (but not more than 6 month at a glance).
D.I of Schools Secondary, their role is separate.
Administrator can act as M.C but DDO is only related to income (specially grants) and expenditure.
Acc. to my knowledge an administrator can do this.
Thank you very much Ram Prasadbabu for kind reply.
I know a school which was under D.D.O. for about 2 years and then under Administrator for about 1 year in absence of MC!
How can a teacher get permission for higher study/B.Ed. course etc. when the school runs under D.D.O.! Who plays the role of MC in such a situation? Where to apply for permission?
Managing committee acts as the controlling authority. In the absence of the managing committee the administrator acts as the cobtrolling authority. So all applications seeking any types of permission should be addressed to the administrator.
It is better if anybody understands the query and makes attempt to reply! I know the right passed on to the Administrator by the Executive Committee when there is no M.C. I enquired about the official procedure for permission when the school is under DDO and not under Administrator! I made the query to Ram Prasadbabu only. So, interference with the subject matter without proper knowledge is disgusting and hence, unwanted! It makes the answer giver a butt of ridicule!
Dear Mr. Majumdar,
After a discussion with our senior teachers yesterday, the conclusion is, When School is running by DDO all application of teachers will go to DDO through TIC, in 1 word DDO is act as a secretary of M.C, at that time TIC will keep in touch with DDO frequently. Further, no normal work will stop due to DDO i.e. there is no bound to give permission for any works in schools by DDO if it is justified.
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