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New set up junior high schools are provided with only three regular teachers at first.. and therefore these schools are very much dependent on the service of the Guest teachers (teachers appointed after retirement) for smooth running.. the salary structure of these teachers has always been a matter of confusion.. at first they were offered salaries as per ROPA 98.. suddenly a new G.O. was published and ROPA 2009 was installed.. this was a much appreciated move from the govt… but just after one month another G.O. was published and announced that Guest teachers salary will be Rs. 5000 (pass graduate) and Rs. 7000 (hons graduate) respectively.. As a result our honble Guest teachers are not at all interested to continue their service… this move is not only detrimental to the smooth teaching-learning process of these schools, it is also disrespectful towards our veteran teachers…. I sincerely hope that our united protest will be heard and taken care of.. thanks all.
Dear friends if you dont mind I want to say something in this matter. I am a teacher also my father is a retired teacher. I respect all the retired teacher as I respect my father. But according to the order of Hon’le High Court, it is said that they will have to pay the full salary. Because as I know the high court said that they will get the pension as well as the difference of the pension and the salary if he/she be an working teacher. That is the full salary as a working teacher. I think it was better to say that the job of the above said teachers has been extended for five years. The govt had denied to extend the period of job from 60 yrs to 65 yrs earlier. So why they have been appointed again. There are a lots of jobless educated persons in this state/ country. The retired teachers are going to high court. Is it so good? Again I am sorry to say don’t mind respected retired teachers and my friends.
Respected saibal what you are talking about is related to policy decision..i also agree with you in this respect…but in my earlier post i tried to highlight a confusing and rather embarrassing move by the Govt. Which will affect the school…i dont want my school to suffer..that was my intention.