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As per Govt. privious Rule A permanent teacher without B.Ed degree may get 4 yearly increment of Basic pay.After that his/her increment will stopped upto tenth years of his/her job. privious Left Govt was issued a circular that upto 2012 increment will not be stopped of those non Bed teachers having job upto 7 year.But what will be the rule about those non B.ed teachers who joined in 2007 and already get 4 yearly increment ?…..From Supratim.
Re: school teacher incrimet rules about B.Ed
according to wbxpress, Those teachers how joined as an A.T. under Secondary Branch in between 31.3.2001 to 2011 will be given time till 2015 to complete B. Ed. Govt. notification will be issued soon in this regards.
As per old order 5 yrs. is given to complete B.Ed.
That is why, you are eligible to get ensuing periodical increment which fall on July’2012.
Re: school teacher incrimet rules about B.Ed
Respected Sir,
I am in same dilemma .
I have joined the school in 2005 and as per existing rule, whether my increment would be stopped or not . Whether I will get my increment in 2012 jUly or not. Also I have completed B.Ed from IGNOU. but the school has not inserted in the service records and also has not taken permission from the DI. Please help me.
About increment for non B.Ed after 2012.
Respected Sir,
I have a problem which I want to share with all the members here. I am a Maths Teacher in Kendwa High School(H/S) , Kulti. I joined the school in 2005 as non trained Hons Teacher. After 3 years I informed to the Headmaster that I wanted to do the B.Ed from IGNOU as there was huge rush in Govt college in deputation and may be that I have to lose one increment. So I approached the Headmaster. The Headmaster allowed me to join B.Ed from IGNOU and also promised that as my school activities was not hampered and as it is just incremental benefit so he will help me in all manners and get the permission papers from the MC and the DI in due time. After completion of my course in June 2010 I asked to The Headmaster for necessary papers. Now the Headmaster told me that no permission is required as it is correspondence course. Also he will do the resolution of the MC within due time. Now it is nearly more than 2 years that I have completed the course. After giving reminder to the Secretary directly The Headmaster has taken the resolution.
My question is :
1. If the school has allowed me and now the school is not giving the permission or the documents what should I do. The headmaster has allowed me by giving his signature in IGNOU form. Who will be responsible.
2. Also I came to know from the clerks that resolution has been made but the Headmaster is not willing to give me the documents and have told that it i s the property of the school. Also secretary is helpless as because he follows HM.
3. How would I get my documents . I am afraid as because the Headmaster has told that he will tear off the resolution when he leaves the school.
4. Where my increment would be stopped in 2012. If no , what documents should I acquire for my safety and not harassment at the time of retirement .
Thank you Sir.
Re: About increment for non B.Ed after 2012.
Dear friend, I think DI is the authority for permission of higher education and application should be made through MC. Now you may apply for post-facto permission to get the resolution copy give an application to the secretary officially and if you don’t get satisfactory result, you should take help of the RTI. Please wait for expert opinion.
Re: About increment for non B.Ed after 2012.
Thank you very much sir for your precious time and help. Can you please help me in this matter so that how can I get the documents. Headmaster is just telling that it is school property and will not be given to candidate. I wanted one written rule where one copy has to be given to the candidate so that i can show it to the headmaster/secretary.
Thanks for your kind help .
Re: About increment for non B.Ed after 2012.
you are most welcome friend. please don’t call me ‘sir’ as we all belong to one family(under this forum)
i’m also learning so it is difficult for me to give you the link. but no one can deny to give a copy of such resolution if asked under RTI. you will get the details of RTI and B.ed permission procedure in this forum. please search it or wait a little till our friends help us.
Re: About increment for non B.Ed after 2012.
Thank you very much sir for your precious time and help. Can you please help me in this matter so that how can I get the documents. Headmaster is just telling that it is school property and will not be given to candidate. I wanted one written rule where one copy has to be given to the candidate so that i can show it to the headmaster/secretary.
Thanks for your kind help .
The headmaster is not at all wrong when he says that the MC resolution REGISTER is the property of the school. However, he has no right to refuse you a copy of a resolution. Please tell him that you simply wish to have a xerox copy or a true copy of that part of the resolution that contains the part permitting you to join the B.Ed course from IGNOU. Such copies are usually taken down on the school letter head and signed/attested by the headmaster.
However, I think there is a valid reason behind your headmaster’s doing this. It has clearly been stated that for joining any course that has a direct bearing on, or is linked in anyway to teaching, you should seek the permission of the DI BEFOREHAND. In this case you decided to repose all your faith on the headmaster and did not seek proper permission at the right time. Maybe you were completely misled by the headmaster. This may have happened intentionally or unintentionally, though I would tend to think that it was the latter. Now that you have completed the course and the formalities have not been completed on time, I think your headmaster realises that he had made a mistake. Under the circumstances, he does not desire to provide you a copy of the resolution, as that would mean going to the DI office where he would surely not be praised for his lack of knowledge. I think he does not wish his mistake to be exposed.
I do not wish to alarm you, but I know of an instance where the DI’s permission was not taken by the teacher for pursiung the B.Ed course from IGNOU. That teacher has been told by the DI office that he would not be able to enjoy the benefits of doing the course as there was no permission granted to him by the DI. So you better hurry and get things moving so as to continue enjoying the benefits of your job.
Best of luck friend.
Re: About increment for non B.Ed after 2012.
Exactly same is the case. I just wanted a xerox copy of the resolution so that I could do the work in correct way. Also my school do not have Resolution register but each resolution is done on school pad and then it is put in a file. I was mislead by The Headmaster. I being Maths and science teacher always helped him in all computer related works. In our school I used to type all the resolutions but whenever I asked about the my resolution he just took it casually and then told i will give it when I retire i.e. 2014. When 2012 approached i had to inquire about the matter . Sir, will you please tell me in concise.
1. If permission is not taken and B.Ed has been submitted in service book with MC resolution countersigned by DI, will it work ? Because our Headmaster tells it is the right process.
2. If not then what is the procedure of post-facto permission about which b_roy sir has mentioned ?
Thank you friends for your kind help and cooperation.
Re: About increment for non B.Ed after 2012.
1. If permission is not taken and B.Ed has been submitted in service book with MC resolution countersigned by DI, will it work ? Because our Headmaster tells it is the right process.
1. Countersigned by DI, may be considered as his approval. Then, I think there should be no problem. But that (approval) is compulsory as per G.O. No. 548-SE(S), dated 24.06.1997.