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Hi friends.
After receiving many feedbacks from our members and others, I have developed my pensions papers of Superannuation case with some new looks and adding many more features.
Hope it will be much helpful for you and you will like it.
Please enable macro to run the programme.
This worksheets will calculate the” period of service, date of retirement, date of starting pension & family pension, date and amount of next increment, amount of pension & family pension, gratuity, C.V.P., and all related calculations for superannuation case only. I have created separate worksheets for Death case and revised case and will post them here shortly. This excel utility will also prepare Single Comprehensive Form + all other pension papers including forwarding letter. Just fill the yellow cells properly and leave the red cells. The red cells are autometic. Fill the loan forms mannually as the same is not auto generated. Please note that this excel utility is based on the DCRB Rules as updated time to time and in view of Rules laid down in W.B.S. (ROPA), 2009 and it can calculate the pension before two years of retirement.
New looks is very attractive. Off course it is very useful as well.
Thanks partner. It took a long time to give the new shape. Glad you liked it.
Re: fixation of pay in excel
Simple Superannuation Pension in Excel (SSP)-Somnath Babu, it is really excellent! This will more helpful for me. Further I request you to prepare the same for premature death of an employee where family pension of deceased employee, gratuity, leave salary etc is to be included. N.B. Latest circular – Leave salary comes under I.T. if an employee procured it prior to date of retirement on superannuation (gsoft.com). Uncountable thanks to you! Jaymangal Misir, Typist, District Registration Office, Uttar Dinajpur, Raiganj.
Thanks for the information and appreciation dear friend. I shall try to publish the pension papers for Death case at the earliest.
Many many thanks som Da for your excellent SSP.But sorry to late congratulate you.D’nt mind som da. Now pl provide pension for death case.
I can not download the attached file.In the place of attached file one message shown” You do not have required permission”. Pl any one help me and obliged.
If you login with your username and password there should be no problem downloading file.
Please log out and log in again friend. it will be solved I think.
Thanks Som da and wbxpress. My problem is solved.