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Dear friends, please share your opinion regarding to which school will a deputed teacher (primary) be included in DISE- his mother school or the school where he is posted at this moment?
What does you by “Mother School” of a deputed teacher?
Actually I mean the school where the teacher is actually posted but by order of S.I/s s/he is posted in another school for certain/uncertain period. It is generally done to adjust surplus teacher to a low teacher strength school. The teacher’s attendance is done in the school he is posted but his report of work(return) is sent/maintained in the school where s/he is actually posted (mother school). And no record of this deputation is generally mentioned in his/her service book.
Dear Friend,
This is somehow interesting, or rather funny to think about our ‘SYSTEM’.
I think it is something like Dual Administration of some new type. I never had heard of such a system. It may be my limitation. Sorry for that.
Anyway let me get the concept :
a) There are two schools —- one where he got appointment, and the second where he is working at present.
b) Record of work ( and salary also ?) is maintained in the previous whereas attendance is maintained in the present. ( I can not imagine how these two co-related factors are matched every month !)
c) Last of all, no record of Deputation (!) is maintained in the Service Book. How can this also be possible ?
It seems to me that everything is really possible.
And we are to adjust.
Anyway, if everything of his service record is maintained in the previous school, then he will be included in the previous one.
It is my opinion only, and I do not know what our SYSTEM would advise.
If there be any, better follow that.
This is our system. It is a very much known in the primary school. And there are so many term for these teachers- STOP GAP teacher,Deputed teacher etc (please remember there is no such deputation posting in primary school as there is in secondary school). The appointing authority of a primary teacher (govt aided) is the Chairman of the concerned DPSC and the S.I/s is the actual head of the office/DDO. and the SI/s has the authority(though unfortunately actually controlled by the teachers association) to post a teacher from one school to another school with a letter but most probably it is not recorded in service book. The ‘deputed’ teachers designation is written as AT (assistant teacher) of the mother school. I think our elder friend Asit Baran Pal can explain this matter better. And I hope to get answer of my primary question.