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As per Memo No. 181-SE/5B-1/09 dated 08.10.2009 of School Education Department,
Rule 3. Fixation of pay the employee after after obtaining non-functional movement (18 year’s benefit) or non-functional increments (10/20 years of service) and other issues:
(i) The Finance Department, Government of West Bengal in its Memorandum No. 2728-F dated 7th April, 2009 (Part – 2) has clarified the matter as follows:-
1. In the case of non-functional movement (18 years benefit) or non-functional increment (10/20 years benefit) an employee may opt for the same on the date of entitlement or on the next 1st July, the date of accrual of annual increment.
2. In case the employee opts for the benefit on the date of entitlement he / she will get one increment on that date, but he / she will not be entitled to next annual increment on the next 1st July unless he / she completes 6 months of service. In other words – if the date of entitlement falls during 1st July to 1st January, the employee after having the benefit of one additional increment, on the date of entitlement, will get annual increment on the next 1st July, but if the date of entitlement falls during 2nd January to 30th June, the employee after having the benefit of one additional increment, will not be entitled to the annual increment on 1st July of the same year; he / she will, however, get the annual increment on the 1st July of the next year.
3. In case the employee opts for the benefit on the date of accrual of annual increment, on 1st July he / she will get the annual increment first and then he / she will get the additional increment for non-functional benefit on the basic pay arrived at after getting the annual increment.
Hi friend. As per W.B.S (ROPA) rules 2009, it will be beneficiary to you to have the promotional increment on 1st July by excessing an option. Though you may have it on 11th January but in such case you will loss the annual increment. In this regard I would like to request you to follow the link below. It will help you to fix your pay and refer the concerned Govt order.
Thank you sir, But in case of School teachers there is no promotional increment only you can get one increment after ten years continuous service and another after twenty years
Here lies my problem and I am still uncertain on which date should I get the increment?
please help me if possible..
Sir, you should opt for getting benefit on 1st July. After getting a normal increment you shall get another (for 10 years completion) which is to be calculated upon the increased basic pay.
Please dont be confused friend. The procedure of Benefit under Carrier Advance Scheme is same for Govt. Employees and school teachers. The difference is only the period. The period stipulated for Govt employees is 8, 16 & 25 years respectively whereas for school teachers its 10 & 20 years.
Thank you very much Sir for clarification. Now in my case my headmaster has given me both the increments on 11 January 2011 and again an annual increment on 01 July 2011. Now to go with rule you have mentioned what steps should I take right now and how to put an option to clarify all these things. Please Guide me in details.
Thanks in advance.
In this case Teacher should be apply to the authority that,’ I want to take my 10 year benefit as C.A.S. after gating my ensuing periodical increment on the same day which falls on 01.07. …’ otherwise she/he will be looser.
Re: TEN YEARS’ BENEFIT FOR all TEACHERS or non teaching staf
For all cases whether it is on the date of entitlement or on the date of next annual increment one has to excercise option and fixation shall be approved by school authority in case secondary schools.
Beneficial Date of Options:
Date of entitlement falls between 2nd Jan to 30th Jun : Option date 1st July
Date of entitlement falls between 1st Jul to 1st Jan : Date of Entitlement
Now in my case my headmaster has given me both the increments on 11 January 2011 and again an annual increment on 01 July 2011. Now to go with rule you have mentioned what steps should I take right now and how to put an option to clarify all these things. Please Guide me in details.
Your case shall be considered as “Erroneous Pay Fixation”. And there are steps to be followed to rectify it to avoid any future litigation.
A new topic may please be created as “Erroneous Pay Fixation” where the steps may be discussed. Thanks in Advance.